
Register: Earth science variables

URI: https://terra-vocabulary.org/ncl/FAIR-Incubator/earthsciencevariables

The current thesaurus contains concepts related to Earth science's variables.

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is a Container | concept scheme | Register
licence https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
submitted byViqui Agazzi
accepted on 29 Sep 2022 15:02:54.938

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definition The current thesaurus contains concepts related to Earth science's variables.
has member relation member
has top concept Solid earth | Cryosphere | Terrestrial hydrosphere | Land surface | Atmosphere | Biosphere
hierarchy child property narrower
hierarchy root property top concept of
inverse membership predicate in scheme
is member of relation in scheme
label Earth science variables
license https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
member Dissolved carbon tetrachloride mass concentration | Dissolved ammonium mass concentration | Total electron content | Total totals index (tt) | Density | Pressure thickness | Dissolved lithium mass concentration | Maximum/minimum temperature | Rhodamine dye mass concentration | Dissolved thulium mass concentration | Glacier equilibrium-line altitude | Peak Ground Acceleration | Tropospheric ozone concentration | Tropical storm force wind extent | Seismic wave | Cation exchange capacity | Dissolved chlorine mass concentration | Water table elevation | Cloud top height | Dissolved hafnium mass concentration | Pressure anomalies | Dissolved sodium mass concentration | Tropical storm motion | Water level | Leaf water potential | Magnitude | Convective surface precipitation rate | Dissolved praseodymium mass concentration | Gross primary production | Ground temperature | Foliage clumping index | Extratropical cyclone track | Station height | PC index | Land surface temperature | Seismicity | Wind speed | Liquid surface precipitation rate | Dissolved scandium mass concentration | Tropical cyclone motion | Magnetic intensity | Vs profile | Geomagnetic induction | Dissolved magnesium(2+) molar concentration | Pressure | Water depth | Standardized precipitation index | Dissolved mercury mass concentration | Boundary layer winds | Static pressure | Total freezing rain accumulation | Dissolved lutetium mass concentration | Corner frequency | Weather events variables | U/v wind components | Dissolved barium mass concentration | Dissolved nitrate mass concentration | Dissolved bromide mass concentration | Response spectrum | Geopotential height | Cryosphere | Nitrogen oxides concentration | Dissolved fluorine mass concentration | Dissolved rhenium mass concentration | Freeze free period length | Land cover classification | Specific humidity | Dissolved ytterbium mass concentration | Cloud fraction | Leaf area index (LAI) | Wave direction | Dissolved iron mass concentration | Incoming shortwave radiation | Cloud-screened troposheric column no2 | Cloud-screened total column nitrogen dioxide (no2) | Soil bulk density | Dissolved antimony mass concentration | Biosphere | Incoming photosynthetic photon flux density | Dissolved erbium mass concentration | Moisture flux | Ice depth distribution | Hypocenter depth | Seismic signal | Solid earth | K-index (KI) | Snowmelt rate | Salinity | Cloud frequency | Wind stress | Air pressure | Precipitation anomalies | Dissolved methyl chloroform mass concentration | Canopy depth | Coliform density | Landfall intensity | Cloud asymmetry | Dissolved gadolinium mass concentration | Net ecosystem respiration | Cloud base temperature | Dissolved terbium mass concentration | ...
modified 29 Sep 2022 14:56:14.824
notation earthsciencevariables
pref label Earth science variables
title Data Terra Earth science variables thesaurus.
type Container | concept scheme | Register
version info 2
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Contents (list view)

Name Notation Description Types Status
PC index c_004f381f PC (type of index: Polar Cap index horizontal component distu... observable property , Concept experimental
Heat index c_00a199d2 observable property , Concept experimental
Atmosphere c_0119ae36 Concept experimental
Dissolved arsenic mass concentration c_012f9d6d observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved organic carbon molar concentration c_01408256 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved germanium mass concentration c_0157c361 observable property , Concept experimental
Photochemical Reflectance Index c_03021a7d The Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) is a reflectance me... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved erbium mass concentration c_043bc1b8 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved ammonium mass concentration c_045b00a6 observable property , Concept experimental
Water depth c_0502f4d5 A measurement of distance from the sea surface to the sea flo... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved scandium mass concentration c_05c54994 observable property , Concept experimental
Surface altitude c_05d16f25 observable property , Concept experimental
Vegetation cover fraction c_0628a70d observable property , Concept experimental
Partial pressure of carbon dioxide c_06f3aa4e observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved magnesium(2+) mass concentration c_074ea6f7 observable property , Concept experimental
Actual evapotranspiration c_087f9a0d observable property , Concept experimental
Radiative flux c_08e4dfae The amount of radiation incident on a given surface per unit ... observable property , Concept experimental
Humidity mixing ratio c_0974a241 The ratio of the mass of a variable atmospheric constituent t... observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud midlayer temperature c_09759b1f Atmospheric temperature observed at the middle of a cloud lay... observable property , Concept experimental
Cooling degree days c_0ad68376 A form of degree-day used to estimate the energy requirements... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved nitrous oxide mass concentration c_0aef97b0 observable property , Concept experimental
am index c_0c18a9f4 am (type of index: K-derived planetary and hemispheric; time ... observable property , Concept experimental
Effective evapotranspiration c_0d03480a The amount of water evaporated (both as transpiration and eva... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved thorium mass concentration c_0d787662 observable property , Concept experimental
Alkalinity c_0d8e4398 Refers to the capability of water to neutralize acid. This is... Concept experimental
Land surface temperature c_0df20fea Refers to how hot the “surface” of the Earth would feel to th... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved chlorine molar concentration c_0e0bf511 observable property , Concept experimental
Air temperature c_0ece09f9 The temperature indicated by a thermometer exposed to the air... Concept , observable property experimental
Dissolved chromium mass concentration c_11f99149 observable property , Concept experimental
Epicentral distance c_128d58a8 Distance from a site (usually a recording seismograph station... observable property , Concept experimental
Speed profile c_13c84e4c Ocean current velocity throughout the water column. observable property , Concept experimental
Drought index c_13d46653 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved chloroform mass concentration c_14339a8b observable property , Concept experimental
Subtropical storm track c_144dd521 Subtropical Storm path, route, or course. observable property , Concept experimental
Tropical storm motion c_150413d0 Change in Tropical Storm position with respect to time. observable property , Concept experimental
Heat flux c_1561c12f Heat flux is the amount of heat that is transferred across a ... Concept , observable property experimental
Dissolved bromine mass concentration c_15cdeff2 observable property , Concept experimental
Instrument response c_16b565eb In order to recover the ground motion at a recording site, on... observable property , Concept experimental
Solid earth c_16e0d90c Concept experimental
Phase c_170e1d5a Oscillation on a seismogram indicating the arrival of a seism... observable property , Concept experimental
Snow occurrence c_1782df5f Concept experimental
Incoming solar radiation c_186845fd In general, solar radiation received at the earth's surface. ... observable property , Concept experimental
Barometric altitude c_189944eb Also called Pressure Altitude. Barometric Altitude is the alt... observable property , Concept experimental
Dew point temperature c_18aaf644 The temperature to which a given air parcel must be cooled at... observable property , Concept experimental
Outgoing shortwave radiation c_1ac72c73 The outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) refers specifically to ... observable property , Concept experimental
Weighted anomaly standardized precipitation index c_1ad0a888 The Weighted Anomaly Standardized Precipitation Index (WASP) ... observable property , Concept experimental
Sensible heat flux c_1b4da719 observable property , Concept experimental
Soil water tension c_1b98a4f4 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved calcium(2+) mass concentration c_1c8d4d71 observable property , Concept experimental
Land surface c_1d5ad2a7 Concept experimental
Virtual temperature c_1e59620b (Also called density temperature.) The virtual temperature Tv... observable property , Concept experimental
Suspended matter concentration c_1e717e16 observable property , Concept experimental
Wind direction tendency c_1e95956e The character and amount of atmospheric wind direction change... observable property , Concept experimental
Biosphere c_1eba243f Concept experimental
Dissolved bismuth mass concentration c_2003f0d5 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved calcium(2+) molar concentration c_214d62e3 observable property , Concept experimental
Water vapor transport index c_22718fd0 Represents the magnitude of the two-dimensional transport of ... observable property , Concept experimental
Bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) c_228f473a The bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) is... observable property , Concept experimental
Tornado density c_22988baa observable property , Concept experimental
Peak Ground Acceleration c_22a3ecfb The maximum acceleration amplitude measured (or expected) in ... Concept , observable property experimental
Salinity c_22c4c3ec How salty the water is. Brine has a very high salinity. Fresh... Concept experimental
Earthquake origin Time c_23defd66 The time of the first onset of a seismic wave (e.g., P wave) ... observable property , Concept experimental
Outgoing longwave radiation c_243d9470 The outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) refers specifically to ... observable property , Concept experimental
Ground displacement c_25101e27 observable property , Concept experimental
Wave direction c_25a8d2b0 The line along which a wave travels with respect to it's comp... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved manganese mass concentration c_25b20654 observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud-screened total column nitrogen dioxide (no2) c_25c90b0b observable property , Concept experimental
Precipitation anomalies c_27e376b2 The deviation of the amount of precipitation falling in a giv... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved gadolinium mass concentration c_2855434c observable property , Concept experimental
Subtropical depression track c_28dcae28 Subtropical Depression path, route, or course. observable property , Concept experimental
Magnetic components c_2a7c08af The coordinates of the magnetic field vector at a point in sp... observable property , Concept experimental
Photolysis rates c_2aeca3df observable property , Concept experimental
Magnetic declination c_2b0889b9 Angle of magnetic North direction from geographical North, ex... observable property , Concept experimental
Accumulated cyclone energy c_2c1872b3 Accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) is a measure used by the Nat... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved lutetium mass concentration c_2de08a02 observable property , Concept experimental
Nitrogen oxides concentration c_300fdd97 The concentration of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) in the atmosphere. observable property , Concept experimental
Soil heat flux c_30d27503 observable property , Concept experimental
Pressure thickness c_31e505a8 In synoptic meteorology, the vertical depth, measured in geom... observable property , Concept experimental
Tropical storm force wind extent c_330ca146 The extent of a tropical storm's wind field. observable property , Concept experimental
Emissivity c_3381906b The ratio of the emittance of a given surface at a specified ... observable property , Concept experimental
Ultraviolet radiation c_3389e4bb Electromagnetic radiation of shorter wavelength than visible ... observable property , Concept experimental
Magnetic inclination c_34530ce8 The dip angle that the vector magnetic field makes with the h... observable property , Concept experimental
Zooplankton abundance c_35011278 observable property , Concept experimental
Static pressure c_351213e2 The component of the force measured perpendicular to the flow... observable property , Concept experimental
Latent heat flux c_351b92f4 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved neon mass concentration c_3548f047 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved methane mass concentration c_35e0fe31 observable property , Concept experimental
Volumetric flow rate c_37846101 The volumetric flow rate (also known as volume flow rate, rat... observable property , Concept experimental
Formic acid concentration c_38515517 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved copper mass concentration c_38c89c67 observable property , Concept experimental
aa index c_3978a929 Introduced to monitor geomagnetic activity over the longest p... observable property , Concept experimental
Freeze free period length c_39a8d845 The period, usually expressed in days, between the last occur... observable property , Concept experimental
Seismic waveform c_39ece075 A record written by a seismograph in response to ground motio... observable property , Concept experimental
Wave speed c_3b241368 Distance a wave travels per time. Concept , observable property experimental
Seismicity c_3baccd86 Distribution of earthquakes in space, time and magnitude. observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud optical depth/thickness c_3becb564 The degree to which a cloud prevents light from passing throu... observable property , Concept experimental
Precipitation amount c_3c2b890a The amount of precipitation collected and measured at a weath... observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud base height c_3c91abc5 For a given cloud or cloud layer, the lowest level in the atm... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved nitrite mass concentration c_3d9a48fb observable property , Concept experimental
Vapor pressure c_3f5b376d The pressure exerted by the molecules of a given vapor. observable property , Concept experimental
Net ecosystem respiration c_400ccb4c observable property , Concept experimental
Wind stress c_40be095f The drag force per unit area caused by wind shear. observable property , Concept experimental
TOA reflectance c_40d601fb Measurement across the solar irradiance spectrum and not a pa... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved nickel mass concentration c_41280de9 observable property , Concept experimental
Seismic wave c_4138e6fa A general term for elastic waves usually generated by an eart... observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud droplet concentration / size c_414d754f The physical size of water droplets and the number of water ... observable property , Concept experimental
Maximum/minimum temperature c_4150c7b6 Highest/Lowest air temperature attained during a specific tim... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved cadmium mass concentration c_41f7ba60 observable property , Concept experimental
Density c_4218e4a2 The mass per unit volume of a substance. Oceanographic shorth... observable property , Concept experimental
Redox potential c_42291451 observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud frequency c_427144a9 The fraction of the skycover (reported in tenths of sky cover... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved sulfur hexafluoride mass concentration c_43070081 observable property , Concept experimental
Air turbidity c_43a7015f The effect of (primarily) aerosols, through their total optic... observable property , Concept experimental
Plant area index (PAI) c_4435ce6d observable property , Concept experimental
Minimum central pressure c_443880e9 The atmospheric pressure at the center of a high or low. It i... observable property , Concept experimental
Sensitivity c_44827e0c The scalar value used to convert the measured output signal (... observable property , Concept experimental
Geomagnetic induction c_44a2f95b Geomagnetic electromotive force generated in a closed circuit... observable property , Concept experimental
Total freezing rain accumulation c_44f1f397 Total freezing rain accumulated from a freezing rain event. observable property , Concept experimental
Maximum surface wind c_4541bb36 Maximum wind recorded from a tropical cyclone at the Earth's ... observable property , Concept experimental
Soil depth c_45e75943 A measure from the surface to the bottom of the soil profile. observable property , Concept experimental
Ground speed c_465adb32 observable property , Concept experimental
Leaf area index (LAI) c_478355ae The one sided green leaf area per unit ground area in broadle... observable property , Concept experimental
Terrestrial hydrosphere c_499e75b6 Concept experimental
Canopy depth c_4ad47d76 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved silicon mass concentration c_4afe54c6 observable property , Concept experimental
Water turbidity c_4b6e71b3 Measurement of the degree of scattering of light in water, re... Concept , observable property experimental
Maximum 1-minute sustained wind c_4c1e506b The standard measure of a tropical cyclone's intensity. When ... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved argon mass concentration c_4cff30f6 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved tin mass concentration c_4d9a6ada observable property , Concept experimental
Convective surface precipitation rate c_4df3bef4 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved mercury mass concentration c_4f38262e observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved aluminium mass concentration c_4f86ff50 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved potassium mass concentration c_502cb8ad observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved nitrogen mass concentration c_50ebcf06 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved ammonium molar concentration c_517b4938 observable property , Concept experimental
Total organic carbon mass concentration c_5184ac88 observable property , Concept experimental
Liquid surface precipitation rate c_519219ef observable property , Concept experimental
Vs30 c_524cbc84 Average shear-wave velocity between 0 and 30 meters depth observable property , Concept experimental
Precipitation rate c_52784899 The amount of precipitation that is collected over a specific... observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud base pressure c_52dd8f5b Atmospheric pressure observed at the base of a cloud. observable property , Concept experimental
Hypocentral distance c_532ebb40 Distance between a site and the earthquake hypocenter. observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved Fluorocarbon (CFC-113) mass concentration c_53cd6f26 observable property , Concept experimental
Ground temperature c_5421c2c2 observable property , Concept experimental
H800 c_54963b27 Depth beyond which the shear-wave velocity Vs exceeds 800 m/s... observable property , Concept experimental
Response spectrum c_5648f847 The response spectrum provides the maximum amplitude response... observable property , Concept experimental
Soil porosity c_57aa11a3 The volume percentage of the total soil bulk not occupied by ... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved cobalt mass concentration c_5839c820 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved cerium mass concentration c_591cec67 observable property , Concept experimental
Surface pressure c_5987f9f7 In meteorology, the atmospheric pressure at a given location ... observable property , Concept experimental
Deiced temperature c_598a8193 Temperature measured by the removal of ice through heating. observable property , Concept experimental
Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) c_59d9b571 The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is a simple... observable property , Concept experimental
Methane flux c_5a38fda3 observable property , Concept experimental
Storm relative winds c_5a6fcdd7 Winds measured relative to a moving thunderstorm, usually ref... observable property , Concept experimental
Peak intensity c_5ad3611c Maximum intensity of a tropical cyclone. observable property , Concept experimental
Thawing index c_5b9f1b7e As used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the number of Fa... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved nitrite molar concentration c_5c000363 observable property , Concept experimental
Corner frequency c_5c7f7b19 The frequency at which the curve representing the Fourier amp... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved antimony mass concentration c_5c84c033 observable property , Concept experimental
Skin temperature c_5d0b1d19 Temperature of the top layer of the ice/ocean surface from wh... observable property , Concept experimental
Soil Ph c_5d8e83f4 The negative log of Hydrogen ion concentration. observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved phosphorus mass concentration c_5e6d694d observable property , Concept experimental
Specific humidity c_5ed2c8c1 In a system of moist air, the (dimensionless) ratio of the ma... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved titanium mass concentration c_60839c91 observable property , Concept experimental
Magnetic field c_609829a4 Concept experimental
Carbon dioxide flux c_613e6635 observable property , Concept experimental
Total totals index (tt) c_626b08ba Total Totals Index = Index in units of degrees Celsius (°C) i... observable property , Concept experimental
Boundary layer temperature c_633baa08 Air temperature measured within the the bottom layer (atmosph... observable property , Concept experimental
Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) c_63a681cf observable property , Concept experimental
Geopotential height c_651a6edf The height of a given point in the atmosphere in units propor... observable property , Concept experimental
Absorbance c_65b1915d A measure of the amount of light absorbed by a surface. observable property , Concept experimental
Upper air temperature c_68588995 Temperature is defined, in general, as the degree of hotness ... observable property , Concept experimental
Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) c_68984213 That portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is the ener... observable property , Concept experimental
Total precipitable water c_68d332e4 The total atmospheric water vapor contained in a vertical col... observable property , Concept experimental
Transmittance c_6902579a A measure of the amount of radiation propagated through a giv... Concept experimental
Cryosphere c_6999df5d Concept experimental
Snow temperature c_6a2809fa observable property , Concept experimental
Extratropical cyclone motion c_6bb32b8e Change in Extratropical Cyclone position with respect to time... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved boron mass concentration c_6d128282 observable property , Concept experimental
Soil heat budget c_6de840b0 The relation between the fluxes of heat into and out of a soi... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved hafnium mass concentration c_6e6dde3c observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved ytterbium mass concentration c_6e87d4f8 observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud fraction c_6e923321 is the percentage of each pixel in satellite imagery or each ... observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud droplet distribution c_6ebff0e7 The physical size of water droplets and the distribution of w... observable property , Concept experimental
Enso precipitation index c_7069ff59 Time series that uses rainfall data in the Tropical Pacific t... observable property , Concept experimental
Ocean heat content c_712098e8 observable property , Concept experimental
Acoustic velocity c_7121744a The speed of sound in water, which is dependent on the water'... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved hydrogenocarbonate molar concentration c_71644a0f observable property , Concept experimental
Soil moisture c_722fa2fb Soil Water Content: The water lost from soil upon drying to c... observable property , Concept experimental
Leaf water potential c_73141273 observable property , Concept experimental
Visibility c_732e29b4 The greatest distance from an observer that a prominent objec... observable property , Concept experimental
Vs profile c_74a4bb31 A profile with the distribution of shear wave velocity Vs wit... observable property , Concept experimental
Aboveground herbaceous plant mass c_7588745a observable property , Concept experimental
Zooplankton size c_75b35a52 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved dysprosium mass concentration c_76141bf3 observable property , Concept experimental
Wave amplitude c_7618cc80 Maximum peak height of a wave, from the medium (zero) level t... observable property , Concept experimental
Rupture distance c_76b2c8f9 The shortest distance from a site to a rupture surface. observable property , Concept experimental
Gross primary production c_78013a61 Gross primary production (GPP) is the total amount of carbon ... observable property , Concept experimental
Earthquake magnitude c_780d3dff A quantity that reflects the amount of energy released as sei... observable property , Concept experimental
Soil bulk density c_780eb0e8 The mass of dry soil per unit of bulk volume, including the a... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved tungsten mass concentration c_7833e3f5 observable property , Concept experimental
Landfall intensity c_79d7adc5 Maximum wind speed of a Tropical Cyclone at landfall. observable property , Concept experimental
Root Mean Square travel time c_7accb73e Root-mean-square (RMS) travel time residual in seconds. This ... observable property , Concept experimental
Land cover classification c_7b109d8c Relates to the type of feature present on the surface of the ... observable property , Concept experimental
Tropical cyclone track c_7b8578e4 Tropical Cyclone path, route, or course. observable property , Concept experimental
Albedo c_7c0f06e9 Albedo is the ratio of the radiation (radiant energy or lumin... observable property , Concept experimental
Galcier elevation c_7c5902ba Pertaining to the measured height of large thick, glaciers, w... observable property , Concept experimental
Coliform density c_7cead4b0 observable property , Concept experimental
Total electron content c_7cf8f00b Total electron content is the total vertically integrated num... observable property , Concept experimental
Precipitation pH c_7d093638 Concept experimental
Snowmelt rate c_7d9bf840 observable property , Concept experimental
Air specific humidity c_7e7d32e5 Specific humidity (or moisture content) is the ratio of the m... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved yttrium mass concentration c_7e8765b2 observable property , Concept experimental
Tropical cyclone motion c_8032d77e Change in Tropical Cyclone position with respect to time. observable property , Concept experimental
Tropical storm track c_8046086e Tropical Storm path, route, or course. observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved lithium mass concentration c_8356c0b9 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved carbon dioxide mass concentration c_838f5551 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved sodium(1+) mass concentration c_842133eb observable property , Concept experimental
Aerosol radiance c_842ee64d Electromagnetic radiation received (primarily by spacecraft) ... observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud base temperature c_86f30608 Cloud temperature observed at the cloud base. See definition ... observable property , Concept experimental
Soil temperature c_872b023c The degree of hotness or coldness of the soil as measured on ... Concept , observable property experimental
Water pressure c_875740c8 Pertaining to the measurement of force per unit area exerted ... Concept , observable property experimental
Dissolved molybdenum mass concentration c_87dd3e9f observable property , Concept experimental
Buildings footprint c_87f5e142 observable property , Concept experimental
Temperature concentration index c_8809a17b Temperature Concentration Index (TCI) quantifies the distribu... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved barium mass concentration c_8a822dbe observable property , Concept experimental
Showalter stability index (si) c_8aa48b16 Showalter Index = in units of degrees Celsius (°C) is a parce... observable property , Concept experimental
Buoy position c_8ae050f0 The latitudinal/longitudinal position of a buoy with respect ... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved radon mass concentration c_8c951165 observable property , Concept experimental
Zooplankton biomass c_8cf41a58 observable property , Concept experimental
Water vapor flux c_8d89dd93 Flow of Water Vapor across an area per unit time, for "water ... observable property , Concept experimental
Pressure c_8deed1a1 Pressure (symbol: p or P) is the force applied perpendicular ... observable property , Concept experimental
Central indian precipitation index c_8e847e65 An index developed to quantify precipitation deficit over Cen... observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud precipitable water c_8ebbbdc9 The total atmospheric water vapor contained in a vertical col... observable property , Concept experimental
pH c_8ec7db89 A measure of the alkaline or acid strength of a substance. pH... observable property , Concept experimental
Magnetic intensity c_902be374 Strength of the Earth's magnetic field. In a point, is equiva... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved samarium mass concentration c_906b4510 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved silicic acid mass concentration c_90e5356d observable property , Concept experimental
Peak Ground Displacement c_90ee134c Largest ground displacement in absolute value recorded or exp... observable property , Concept experimental
Slip rate c_913b362a observable property , Concept experimental
Air pressure c_9183efe5 The pressure exerted by the atmosphere as a consequence of gr... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved sodium mass concentration c_920ec03f observable property , Concept experimental
Standardized precipitation index c_92992ccb An index developed by McKee et al. (1993) to quantify precipi... observable property , Concept experimental
Sea level pressure c_92fa6bcc The atmospheric pressure at mean sea level, either directly m... observable property , Concept experimental
Tropical cyclone radius c_932a0026 The distance from the center of a tropical cyclone to its per... observable property , Concept experimental
Dispersivity c_93360bf0 In chemistry, the dispersity is a measure of the heterogeneit... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved hydrogenocarbonate mass concentration c_9348b738 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved lanthanum mass concentration c_9360ac1f observable property , Concept experimental
Vegetation height c_93c7c3aa observable property , Concept experimental
Rhodamine dye mass concentration c_93f8bd3e observable property , Concept experimental
Incoming photosynthetic photon flux density c_947cfcbb The number of photons in the 400-700 nm range received by a s... observable property , Concept experimental
U/v wind components c_961c7139 Zonal (U) and Meridional (V) wind velocity. observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved oxygen c_971fbda2 A colorless, odorless, gaseous element, constituting 21 perce... observable property , Concept experimental
Fluorescein dye mass concentration c_97b80ff6 Concept experimental
Moisture flux c_99358a61 Flux per unit area for moisture. observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved sodium(1+) molar concentration c_9946f108 observable property , Concept experimental
Sap flow density c_996678b2 observable property , Concept experimental
Water table elevation c_9bd9a4c2 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved zinc mass concentration c_9c5134b6 observable property , Concept experimental
Snow Depth c_9ce0bb15 Pertaining to the thickness of snow pack throughout the year. observable property , Concept experimental
Extratropical cyclone frequency c_9d23bb3d Number of extratropical cyclones per unit time. observable property , Concept experimental
Foliage clumping index c_9dab3042 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved methyl chloroform mass concentration c_9e6e542c observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud top temperature c_9eeb8354 Atmospheric pressure observed at the top of a cloud. observable property , Concept experimental
Water vapor tendency c_9f99d71b The local rate of change of water vapor with time at a given ... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved holmium mass concentration c_9fd2956d observable property , Concept experimental
Lifted index (li) c_9fe0757d K-index in units of degrees Celsius (°C) is a simple index us... observable property , Concept experimental
Kp index c_9ff82f49 Kp (type of index: K-derived planetary; time resolution: 3-ho... Concept experimental
Boundary layer winds c_a003a553 Winds measured in the layer of fluid near a boundary that is ... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved caesium mass concentration c_a0362d53 observable property , Concept experimental
Oceans c_a0563f07 Concept experimental
Differential pressure c_a061f4f5 The difference between static air pressure and the total air ... observable property , Concept experimental
Tornado frequency c_a1a69b66 Number of tornadoes over a specific set of time. observable property , Concept experimental
Water level c_a21c3c74 observable property , Concept experimental
Conductivity c_a308bf33 A unit measure of electrical conduction; the facility with wh... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved iron mass concentration c_a52d51f0 observable property , Concept experimental
Fluorescence c_a58d1842 The emission of radiation, especially of visible light, by a ... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved magnesium(2+) molar concentration c_a5b6b299 observable property , Concept experimental
Residential energy demand temperature index c_a758512c NOAA’s Residential Energy Demand Temperature Index (REDTI) co... observable property , Concept experimental
Tropical depression frequency c_a7add5c1 Number of Tropical Depressions per unit time. observable property , Concept experimental
Sulfur oxides concentration c_aa103fc8 The concentrations of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) and Sulfur Trioxid... observable property , Concept experimental
Tornado path length / width c_aa9f8328 Path length (in miles and tenths of miles) and maximum path w... observable property , Concept experimental
Suspended sediment concentration c_ab13ce21 observable property , Concept experimental
Water-soluble aerosol organic mass c_abd5c986 observable property , Concept experimental
Seismic noise c_abe573e5 Le bruit sismique est un ensemble de vibrations permanentes d... observable property , Concept experimental
Extratropical cyclone track c_ac293b9e Extratropical Cyclone path, route, or course. observable property , Concept experimental
Inversion height c_ac4156cc The height of the layer in which air temperature increases wi... observable property , Concept experimental
Humidity c_adb1ec47 Generally, some measure of the water vapor content of air. observable property , Concept experimental
Droplet size c_ade75d44 The measured dimensions of a rain droplet. observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud height c_adecb5cb In weather observations, the height of the cloud base above l... observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud top pressure c_ae1278a9 Atmospheric pressure observed at the top of a cloud. observable property , Concept experimental
Macroseismic intensity c_af15c801 A cumulative measure of the effects of an earthquake at a par... observable property , Concept experimental
Fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR) c_b014f253 The fraction of the incoming solar radiation in the Photosynt... observable property , Concept experimental
Seismic signal c_b223c9a9 A coherent transient waveform radiated from a definite, local... observable property , Concept experimental
Potential temperature c_b23dee27 The temperature that an unsaturated parcel of dry air would h... observable property , Concept experimental
Ground acceleration c_b3974140 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved potassium(1+) mass concentration c_b3e1011f observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud top height c_b4161104 For a given cloud or cloud layer, the highest level in the at... observable property , Concept experimental
Sea surface temperature c_b61235c1 A measure of the average kinetic energy of the vibration of w... observable property , Concept experimental
Wind direction c_b686d58a The direction from which the wind is blowing. observable property , Concept experimental
Weather events variables c_b816aafe Concept experimental
Longwave radiation c_b8295788 Longwave radiation is radiation with wavelengths longer than ... observable property , Concept experimental
Polarized reflectance c_b83e775e To cause the electrical and magnetic fields associated with e... observable property , Concept experimental
Sea surface height (SSH) c_b85636b4 The height of the ocean surface above a datum, such as a vert... observable property , Concept experimental
Vegetation cover c_b8c3e6fa Vegetation Cover is the percent of vegetation in an area. observable property , Concept experimental
Wave period c_b8c7b048 The time for successive wave crests to pass a fixed point. Concept , observable property experimental
Dissolved bromide mass concentration c_b8ef0a8d observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved organic carbon mass concentration c_b98112ca observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud mass flux c_baa1ef46 The transport of mass by vertical motion within clouds. Mass ... observable property , Concept experimental
Shortwave radiation c_bac2c7b1 Shortwave radiation is radiation at wavelengths shorter than ... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved beryllium mass concentration c_bad90863 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11) mass concentration c_baf97b31 observable property , Concept experimental
Surface roughness c_bb665c55 The unevenness of the land surface that results in friction f... observable property , Concept experimental
Urban footprint c_bbd02bdf observable property , Concept experimental
Cyanobacteria density c_bc3c8601 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved tantalum mass concentration c_bc45b90b observable property , Concept experimental
Gravitational acceleration c_bd5ef9f9 observable property , Concept experimental
Dst index c_be3f6e1e Name "Dst" came from "Disturbance storm-time". Dst (type of ... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved nitrate mass concentration c_be6b6a1c observable property , Concept experimental
Crops irrigation c_bee0d45a observable property , Concept experimental
Aerosol extinction c_bf96c61f Fractional energy removed from incident beam by scattering pl... observable property , Concept experimental
Atmospheric emitted radiation c_c16f8e58 The part of the terrestrial radiation which is emitted by the... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved vanadium mass concentration c_c17cf64b observable property , Concept experimental
Flow velocity c_c268bf95 The speed at which a fluid flows. observable property , Concept experimental
Tropical cyclone force wind extent c_c3ca406f The extent of a tropical cyclone's wind field. observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved phosphate mass concentration c_c41f855b observable property , Concept experimental
Potential evapotranspiration c_c446ab49 Actual amount of water lost to evapotranspiration from the so... observable property , Concept experimental
Station height c_c4fddcb3 Also called Station Elevation. Station Height is the vertical... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved magnesium mass concentration c_c50c46fd observable property , Concept experimental
Vertical wind velocity / speed c_c51fd059 The component of wind motion rising perpendicular to the plan... observable property , Concept experimental
Solar radiation c_c57a6b62 Solar radiation is the total electromagnetic radiation emitte... observable property , Concept experimental
Seismic moment c_c590997e The magnitude of the component couple of the double couple th... observable property , Concept experimental
Tropical depression motion c_c5cd69be Change in Tropical Depression's position with respect to time... observable property , Concept experimental
Solar irradiance c_c6101720 Solar irradiance at the top of the atmosphere on a plane norm... observable property , Concept experimental
Hydrostatic pressure c_c6277a66 The pressure in a fluid in hydrostatic equilibrium - that is ... observable property , Concept experimental
Water table depth c_c7668f48 The level below which the ground is completely saturated with... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved lead mass concentration c_c874b76d The Concentration of element Lead (Pb) in the atmosphere. observable property , Concept experimental
Total surface precipitation rate c_c8ff6310 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved europium mass concentration c_c93364a2 observable property , Concept experimental
Cation exchange capacity c_c9ac21bd The sum of exchangeable bases plus total soil acidity at a sp... observable property , Concept experimental
K-index (KI) c_c9eecb53 K-index in units of degrees Celsius (°C) is a simple index us... observable property , Concept experimental
Maximum intensity c_c9fb49d2 observable property , Concept experimental
Escherichia coli density c_ca040695 observable property , Concept experimental
Wave height c_ca953a2d Vertical distance between a wave crest the adjacent wave tro... observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud-screened troposheric column no2 c_cc2bf31c observable property , Concept experimental
Tropical storm frequency c_cc5932ce Number of Tropical Storms per unit time. observable property , Concept experimental
Tropical depression track c_cce1bfeb Tropical Depression path, route, or course. observable property , Concept experimental
Planetary boundary layer height c_ce0d6512 The height of the atmospheric layer from the Earth's surface ... observable property , Concept experimental
Hypocenter depth c_ce8a1dda Depth of an earthquake hypocenter observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved niobium mass concentration c_cf455948 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved carbon tetrachloride mass concentration c_d106be6d observable property , Concept experimental
Terrain elevation c_d1346aba The vertical distance from mean sea level to a point or objec... observable property , Concept experimental
Snow water equivalent c_d2601989 Pertaining to the measurement of the amount of water in a giv... Concept experimental
Non-refractory aerosol organic mass c_d2fa43be observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved rhenium mass concentration c_d2fb53a3 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved rubidium mass concentration c_d37625b6 observable property , Concept experimental
Tropospheric ozone concentration c_d77ce0c7 Ozone (O3) that is measured in the lowest 10-20 km of the Atm... observable property , Concept experimental
Maximum wind gust c_d83012f8 Maximum wind gust recorded from a tropical cyclone. observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved chloride mass concentration c_d83e7345 observable property , Concept experimental
Thermal conductivity c_d9780d60 A measure of the ability of a soil to transfer heat (through ... observable property , Concept experimental
Snow mask c_d99e344d Pertaining to the extent, depth, and longevity of snow pack. Concept experimental
Ice depth distribution c_da6c0d83 Ice depth or thickness refers to the extent of the ice below ... observable property , Concept experimental
Pressure tendency c_db3f61a9 The character and amount of atmospheric pressure change for a... observable property , Concept experimental
Subtropical storm motion c_db7ed52e Change in Subtropical Storm position with respect to time. observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud asymmetry c_dbb8de20 The difference in scattering due to cloud hydrometeors betwee... observable property , Concept experimental
Wind chill index c_dbcbfa08 A means of quantifying the threat of rapid cooling during bre... observable property , Concept experimental
Aerosol optical depth / thickness c_dbe5b422 The degree to which Aerosols prevent light from passing throu... observable property , Concept experimental
Incoming longwave radiation c_dc935a3c observable property , Concept experimental
Geomagnetic indices c_dd74f1d0 Magnetic activity indices that describe variations in the geo... Concept , observable property experimental
Dispersion rate c_dd7a8a93 The rate at which clay particles separate from one other in m... observable property , Concept experimental
Horizontal wind velocity / speed c_ddd4c5b7 The component of wind motion rising parallel to the plane of ... observable property , Concept experimental
Glacier surface flow rate c_ddf09a9f Concept experimental
Surface water temperature c_de5b295b A measure of the average kinetic energy of the vibration of w... observable property , Concept experimental
Cloud liquid water / ice c_df6922b8 Cloud Liquid Water - The amount of liquid water per unit volu... observable property , Concept experimental
Phenological state c_dfc9338c Characteristics periodic phenomena in the life cycle of organ... observable property , Concept experimental
Wind speed tendency c_e0cae09c The character and amount of atmospheric wind speed change for... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved thulium mass concentration c_e10d4587 observable property , Concept experimental
Static temperature c_e2a7f06b The temperature of undisturbed (static) air. observable property , Concept experimental
Long wave radiation descending flux c_e2fb6d30 observable property , Concept experimental
Magnitude c_e3780f98 In seismology, a quantity intended to measure the size of ear... Concept experimental
Relative humidity c_e521f1df The ratio of the vapor pressure to the saturation vapor press... observable property , Concept experimental
Saturation vapor pressure c_e5730ace The vapor pressure of a system, at a given temperature, for w... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved thallium mass concentration c_e5931989 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved sulfate mass concentration c_e6126694 observable property , Concept experimental
Wind shear c_e89988a5 The local variation of the wind vector or any of its componen... observable property , Concept experimental
Wind speed c_e9927eb3 Ratio of the distance covered by the air to the time taken to... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved tellurium mass concentration c_ea72c30f observable property , Concept experimental
Incoming shortwave radiation c_ea828a41 observable property , Concept experimental
Peak Ground Velocity c_eab6b1ba Maximum ground velocity recorded during an earthquake at a lo... observable property , Concept experimental
Convective available potential energy (cape) c_eaecdfdb Convective Available Potential Energy = in units of Joules pe... observable property , Concept experimental
Droplet size distribution c_ebaff2b5 Concept experimental
Dissolved oxygen mass concentration c_ecd1ab0e observable property , Concept experimental
Glacier equilibrium-line altitude c_ecf5e18a observable property , Concept experimental
Wave arrival time c_ef1e2cd4 The time of the first onset of a seismic wave (e.g., P wave) ... observable property , Concept experimental
Destruction potential index c_efba5d72 Destruction Potential Index (DPI), is a measure of the potent... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved uranium mass concentration c_efd0ed7a observable property , Concept experimental
Pressure anomalies c_f080de3b The deviation of atmospheric pressure in a given region over ... observable property , Concept experimental
Number of snowfall days in a hydrological year c_f0b01c24 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved silicic acid molar concentration c_f28bdf98 observable property , Concept experimental
Dewpoint depression c_f299b8e9 (Also called spread, dewpoint spread, dewpoint deficit.) The ... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved gallium mass concentration c_f3152672 observable property , Concept experimental
Surface reflectance c_f354fe4d Ratio of the intensity of reflected radiation to that of the ... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved neodymium mass concentration c_f3c41f7e observable property , Concept experimental
Net radiation c_f4ab472d Net radiation refers to the difference between the downward a... observable property , Concept experimental
Absolute humidity c_f50c88fe In a system of moist air, the ratio of the mass of water vapo... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved strontium mass concentration c_f5a31327 observable property , Concept experimental
Water vapor convergence / divergence c_f611496a Water Vapor convergence/divergence is the derivative of a flu... observable property , Concept experimental
Heating degree days c_f7018f33 Generally, a measure of the departure of the mean daily tempe... Concept experimental
Optical depth / thickness c_f7c23ab8 In radiative transfer, optical thickness or optical depth is ... observable property , Concept experimental
Common sense climate index c_f95fb8ac Our climate index is a simple measure of the degree, if any, ... observable property , Concept experimental
Resonance frequency c_f9949629 Resonance frequency of site observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12) mass concentration c_fa63d829 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved terbium mass concentration c_fae12336 observable property , Concept experimental
Vegetation Water Content c_fba1a0f3 Vegetation water content (VWC) is the amount of water contain... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved fluorine mass concentration c_fba5c1d0 observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved zirconium mass concentration c_fc076124 observable property , Concept experimental
Magnetic anomalies c_fc2d263f Local variation of the Earth's magnetic field from the expect... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved chlorine mass concentration c_fc5eb5be observable property , Concept experimental
AE index c_fc6bdad7 AE (type of index: Auroral index horizontal component disturb... observable property , Concept experimental
Discharge c_fe1eae0c The volume of water flow, including any suspended solids whic... observable property , Concept experimental
Dissolved praseodymium mass concentration c_febbfa72 observable property , Concept experimental