Entry: SPOT-6
URI: https://terra-vocabulary.org/ncl/FAIR-Incubator/earthscienceplatforms/c_12162346
TECHNICAL FEATURES With SPOT 6 and SPOT 7, Astrium not only secures mission continuity of the SPOT series, which has been collecting an archive of more than 30 million of scenes since 1986: this new generation of optical satellites also features technological improvements and advanced system performance that increase reactivity and acquisition capacity as well as simplifying data access. Space segment: SPOT 6 and SPOT 7 will provide 1.5metre resolution products over broad areas until 2024. Number of satellites 2 Launch periods SPOT 6: September 12th, 2012 SPOT 7: June 30th, 2014 Design lifetime 10 years Size Body: ~ 1.55 x 1.75 x 2.7 m Solar array wingspan 5,4 m2 Launch mass 712 kg Altitude 694 km Onboard Storage 1 Tbits end of life (Solid State Mass Memory) Orbital characteristics and viewing capability: SPOT 6 and SPOT 7 missions are designed to achieve efficiently both collection of large coverage and collection of individual targets that are possible thanks to the extreme agility of the satellite. Orbit Sun-synchronous; 10:00 AM local time at descending node Period 98.79 minutes Cycle 26 days Viewing angle Standard: +/- 30° in roll | Extended: +/- 45° in roll Revisit • 1 day with SPOT 6 and SPOT 7 operating simultaneously • Between 1 and 3 days with only one satellite in operation.
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TECHNICAL FEATURES With SPOT 6 and SPOT 7, Astrium not only secures mission continuity of the SPOT series, which has been collecting an archive of more than 30 million of scenes since 1986: this new generation of optical satellites also features technological improvements and advanced system performance that increase reactivity and acquisition capacity as well as simplifying data access. Space segment: SPOT 6 and SPOT 7 will provide 1.5metre resolution products over broad areas until 2024. Number of satellites 2 Launch periods SPOT 6: September 12th, 2012 SPOT 7: June 30th, 2014 Design lifetime 10 years Size Body: ~ 1.55 x 1.75 x 2.7 m Solar array wingspan 5,4 m2 Launch mass 712 kg Altitude 694 km Onboard Storage 1 Tbits end of life (Solid State Mass Memory) Orbital characteristics and viewing capability: SPOT 6 and SPOT 7 missions are designed to achieve efficiently both collection of large coverage and collection of individual targets that are possible thanks to the extreme agilit...
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b5b5a3c9 a393 4766 a7d6 ef6c97969e78
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