
Entry: SPOT-4

URI: https://terra-vocabulary.org/ncl/FAIR-Incubator/earthscienceplatforms/c_fab80b86

SPOT (Satellite Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre) is the French government sponsored civil Earth observation program, with support from Belgium and Sweden. A single SPOT satellite provides complete coverage of the Earth every 26 days. Image products from SPOT are handled by a commercial entity, SPOT-Image Corp. Spacecraft: 3-Axis stabilized. Single 5-panel solar array, each panel is 2.6 x 1.9 m. Hydrazine propulsion system provides orbit maintenance. Payload: Two HRVIR (High Resolution Visible - Infrared) pushbrrom imaging instruments are carried. HRVIR is derived from the HRV instruments on SPOT 1-3. This system will provide 10 m resolution in the panchromatic band and 20 m resolution in the multispectral bands. HRVIR includes a new medium IR channel to support vegetation analysis and harvest forecasting. The HRVIRs are steerable to within 27 deg off-nadir. Each HRVIR has a swath width of 60 km. The Vegetation Monitoring instrument has 1 km resolution in the same bands as the HRVIR. PASTEL optical link terminal supports laser crosslink experiments. DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite) precision orbit determination system.

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is a Concept | Platform
submitted byViqui Agazzi
accepted on 19 Sep 2022 08:12:55.880

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date accepted 19 Sep 2022 08:12:55.880
date submitted 19 Sep 2022 08:09:54.938
entity SPOT-4
source graph graph

item class Platform | Concept
label SPOT-4
notation c_fab80b86
register earthscienceplatforms
status status experimental
account name victoria.agazzi@teledetection.fr
name Viqui Agazzi

type register item
version info 2
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broader SPOT
definition SPOT (Satellite Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre) is the French government sponsored civil Earth observation program, with support from Belgium and Sweden. A single SPOT satellite provides complete coverage of the Earth every 26 days. Image products from SPOT are handled by a commercial entity, SPOT-Image Corp. Spacecraft: 3-Axis stabilized. Single 5-panel solar array, each panel is 2.6 x 1.9 m. Hydrazine propulsion system provides orbit maintenance. Payload: Two HRVIR (High Resolution Visible - Infrared) pushbrrom imaging instruments are carried. HRVIR is derived from the HRV instruments on SPOT 1-3. This system will provide 10 m resolution in the panchromatic band and 20 m resolution in the multispectral bands. HRVIR includes a new medium IR channel to support vegetation analysis and harvest forecasting. The HRVIRs are steerable to within 27 deg off-nadir. Each HRVIR has a swath width of 60 km. The Vegetation Monitoring instrument has 1 km resolution in the same bands as the H...
exact match 5fe45cae f4ce 4287 8af8 0d824807f3fc
label SPOT-4
pref label SPOT-4
type Concept | Platform