
Entry: Radio sondes

URI: https://terra-vocabulary.org/ncl/FAIR-Incubator/earthscienceplatforms/c_d391d0d7

The radio sonde is a balloon-borne instrument platform with radio transmitting capabilities. Originally named a radio-meteorograph, the instrument is now referred to as a radiosonde, a name apparently derived by H. Hergesell from a combination of the words "radio" for the onboard radio transmitter and "sonde", which is messenger from old English. The radiosonde contains instruments capable of making direct in-situ measurements of air temperature, humidity and pressure with height, typically to altitudes of approximately 30 km. These observed data are transmitted immediately to the ground station by a radio transmitter located within the instrument package. The ascent of a radiosonde provides an indirect measure of the wind speed and direction at various levels throughout the troposphere. Ground based radio direction finding antenna equipment track the motion of the radiosonde during its ascent through the air. The recorded elevation and azimuth information are converted to wind speed and direction at various levels by triangulation techniques.

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is a Concept | Platform
submitted byViqui Agazzi
accepted on 19 Sep 2022 08:12:55.859

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date accepted 19 Sep 2022 08:12:55.859
date submitted 19 Sep 2022 08:09:54.897
entity Radio sondes
source graph graph

item class Platform | Concept
label Radio sondes
notation c_d391d0d7
register earthscienceplatforms
status status experimental
account name victoria.agazzi@teledetection.fr
name Viqui Agazzi

type register item
version info 2
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broader Balloons
definition The radio sonde is a balloon-borne instrument platform with radio transmitting capabilities. Originally named a radio-meteorograph, the instrument is now referred to as a radiosonde, a name apparently derived by H. Hergesell from a combination of the words "radio" for the onboard radio transmitter and "sonde", which is messenger from old English. The radiosonde contains instruments capable of making direct in-situ measurements of air temperature, humidity and pressure with height, typically to altitudes of approximately 30 km. These observed data are transmitted immediately to the ground station by a radio transmitter located within the instrument package. The ascent of a radiosonde provides an indirect measure of the wind speed and direction at various levels throughout the troposphere. Ground based radio direction finding antenna equipment track the motion of the radiosonde during its ascent through the air. The recorded elevation and azimuth information are converted to wind spee...
exact match 802b7d00 bd54 873a 6706 1dff47c592c9 | 2516981b e560 479d ba96 f8edfb54efe9
label Radio sondes
pref label Radio sondes
type Concept | Platform