
Entry: PC index - showing version 4

URI: https://terra-vocabulary.org/ncl/FAIR-Incubator/earthsciencevariables/c_004f381f

PC (type of index: Polar Cap index horizontal component disturbances; time resolution: 1-minute UT interval, North PCN from 1975 and South PCS from 1995 onwards; unit: mV/m) is deduced from the deviations in the horizontal H and D magnetic field components from the quiet level at two polar cap stations (Thule and Vostok for respectively the PCN and PCS). PC aims at monitor the geomagnetic activity over the polar caps caused by changes in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and solar wind, driven by the geoeffective interplanetary electric field irrespective of time, season and solar cycle. PCN is determined by the National Space Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark; PCS is determined by the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), Russian Federation. PC time series is formally recognised and endorsed since 2013 by International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA).

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is a Concept | observable property
changed on 13 Nov 2023 10:22:13.333
submitted byViqui Agazzi
accepted on 29 Sep 2022 15:03:10.486

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date accepted 29 Sep 2022 15:03:10.486
date submitted 29 Sep 2022 14:56:16.049
entity PC index
source graph graph

item class Concept | observable property
label PC index
modified 13 Nov 2023 10:22:13.333
notation c_004f381f
register earthsciencevariables
status status experimental
account name victoria.agazzi@teledetection.fr
name Viqui Agazzi

type register item
version info 4
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broader Solid earth
definition PC (type of index: Polar Cap index horizontal component disturbances; time resolution: 1-minute UT interval, North PCN from 1975 and South PCS from 1995 onwards; unit: mV/m) is deduced from the deviations in the horizontal H and D magnetic field components from the quiet level at two polar cap stations (Thule and Vostok for respectively the PCN and PCS). PC aims at monitor the geomagnetic activity over the polar caps caused by changes in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and solar wind, driven by the geoeffective interplanetary electric field irrespective of time, season and solar cycle. PCN is determined by the National Space Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark; PCS is determined by the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), Russian Federation. PC time series is formally recognised and endorsed since 2013 by International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA).
exact match V0010600
label PC index
pref label PC index
type Concept | observable property