
Register: Terra Vocabulary FAIR Incubator

URI: https://terra-vocabulary.org/ncl/FAIR-Incubator

Cette collection contient une liste préliminaire des registres et concepts à FAIRiser

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is a Register | Container | Collection
changed on 16 Mar 2022 15:07:07.062
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 16 Mar 2022 15:06:28.548

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description Cette collection contient une liste préliminaire des registres et concepts à FAIRiser
en Terra Vocabulary FAIR Incubator
fr Incubateurs de concepts FAIR de Terra Vocabulary
member Earth science variables | Earth features types | Earth Science Sensors | Earth science platforms
membership predicate member
modified 29 Sep 2022 14:56:16.399
notation FAIR-Incubator
subregister Earth features types | Earth science variables | Earth science platforms | Earth Science Sensors
type Register | Container | Collection
version info 7
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Name Notation Description Types Status
  Earth features types earthfeaturetype The current thesaurus contains concepts related to the types ... Container , concept scheme , Register experimental
  Earth science platforms earthscienceplatforms The current thesaurus contains concepts related to data acqui... Container , concept scheme , Register experimental
  Earth Science Sensors earthsciencesensors The current thesaurus contains concepts related to data acqui... Container , Register , concept scheme experimental
  Earth science variables earthsciencevariables The current thesaurus contains concepts related to Earth scie... Container , concept scheme , Register experimental