Entry: Geomorphology
URI: https://terra-vocabulary.org/ncl/DataTerraRepositoryFairIncubator/Voc_thematique/c_0b0071b3
The science that treats the general configuration of the Earth's surface, specifically the study of the classification, description, nature, origin, and development of present landforms and their relationships to underlying structures, and of the history of geologic changes as recorded by these surface features.
Core metadata
is a | Concept |
changed on | 18 Oct 2023 08:28:28.755 |
submitted by | Hélène Bressan |
accepted on | 25 May 2023 08:07:25.223 |
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date accepted |
25 May 2023 08:07:25.223
date submitted |
25 May 2023 08:06:36.889
definition |
description |
item class |
label |
modified |
18 Oct 2023 08:28:28.755
notation |
register |
voc thematique
status |
status experimental
submitter |
type |
register item
version info |
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broader |
Land surface
| Terrestrial hydrosphere
| Solid earth
description |
exact match |
b5cb1fab 7281 478f bb3b ff04f900b3fc
| D040000
in scheme |
Vocabulaire thématique
label |
narrower |
Karst processes
| Gravitational processes
| Surface water processes/measurements
| Glacial processes
| Ground water processes/measurements
| Anthropogenic and climatic hazards
| Tectonic processes
pref label |
type |
was attributed to |
Pole FormaTerre
| Pole THEIA