Entry: Geochemistry
URI: https://terra-vocabulary.org/ncl/DataTerraRepositoryFairIncubator/Voc_thematique/c_925f8161
Pertaining to the study of the chemical composition of the various phases of the earth, and the physical and chemical processes which have produced the observed distribution of the elements and the nuclides in these phases
Core metadata
is a | Concept |
changed on | 18 Oct 2023 08:28:28.785 |
submitted by | Hélène Bressan |
accepted on | 25 May 2023 08:07:25.307 |
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date accepted |
25 May 2023 08:07:25.307
date submitted |
25 May 2023 08:06:36.901
definition |
description |
item class |
label |
modified |
18 Oct 2023 08:28:28.785
notation |
register |
voc thematique
status |
status experimental
submitter |
type |
register item
version info |
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Terrestrial hydrosphere
| Land surface
| Solid earth
description |
exact match |
| 906e647b 2683 4ae7 9986 1aea15582b52
in scheme |
Vocabulaire thématique
label |
pref label |
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was attributed to |
Pole FormaTerre
| Pole THEIA