
Entry: base-line correction


A term used in the processing of time series analysis. It corrects a recorded signal for the bias in the zero value, and any longperiod drift in the zero level that may arise from instrumental noise, or from the digitization of analog signals

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is a Concept | observable property
changed on 17 Nov 2023 08:31:48.712
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 20 May 2022 09:42:08.175

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date accepted 20 May 2022 09:42:08.175
date submitted 20 May 2022 09:41:38.857
entity base-line correction
source graph graph

description A term used in the processing of time series analysis. It corrects a recorded signal for the bias in the zero value, and any longperiod drift in the zero level that may arise from instrumental noise, or from the digitization of analog signals
item class observable property | Concept
en base-line correction
fr correction de la référence
modified 17 Nov 2023 08:31:48.712
notation c_056aa2c0
register mots clefs
status status retired
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 9
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change note Invalidé par les thématiciens en juillet 2022
deprecated true
description A term used in the processing of time series analysis. It corrects a recorded signal for the bias in the zero value, and any longperiod drift in the zero level that may arise from instrumental noise, or from the digitization of analog signals
in scheme Vocabulaire des mots clefs
en base-line correction
fr correction de la référence
pref label
en base-line correction
fr correction de la référence
source epos
status submitted
top concept of Vocabulaire des mots clefs
type Concept | observable property
was attributed to Pôle FormaTerre