
Entry: Azimutal gap - showing version 9


Maximal angle between two adjacent stations (in degrees) relative to the earthquake location.The smaller this number is, the more reliable is the horizontal location of the earthquake. Earthquake locations with azimuthal gap exceeding 180 degrees usually have large location and depth uncertainties.

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is a observable property | Concept
changed on 17 Nov 2023 08:31:48.465
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 20 May 2022 09:42:08.322

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date accepted 20 May 2022 09:42:08.322
date submitted 20 May 2022 09:41:38.957
entity Azimutal gap
source graph graph

en Maximal angle between two adjacent stations (in degrees) relative to the earthquake location.The smaller this number is, the more reliable is the horizontal location of the earthquake. Earthquake locations with azimuthal gap exceeding 180 degrees usually have large location and depth uncertainties.
fr Angle maximal entre deux stations adjacentes (en degrés) par rapport à l’épicentre du séisme. Plus cet angle est petit, plus la localisation du séisme est précise. Les localisations des séismes ayant un gap azimutal dépassant 180 degrés présentent généralement de grandes incertitudes.
item class Concept | observable property
en Azimutal gap
fr Gap azimutal
modified 17 Nov 2023 08:31:48.465
notation c_83e49725
register mots clefs
status status retired
account name
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 9
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change note Invalidé par les thématiciens en juillet 2022
deprecated true
en Maximal angle between two adjacent stations (in degrees) relative to the earthquake location.The smaller this number is, the more reliable is the horizontal location of the earthquake. Earthquake locations with azimuthal gap exceeding 180 degrees usually have large location and depth uncertainties.
fr Angle maximal entre deux stations adjacentes (en degrés) par rapport à l’épicentre du séisme. Plus cet angle est petit, plus la localisation du séisme est précise. Les localisations des séismes ayant un gap azimutal dépassant 180 degrés présentent généralement de grandes incertitudes.
in scheme Vocabulaire des mots clefs
en Azimutal gap
fr Gap azimutal
pref label
en Azimutal gap
fr Gap azimutal
source wats
top concept of Vocabulaire des mots clefs
type observable property | Concept
was attributed to Pôle FormaTerre