
Entry: Date of the end of snow cover

URI: https://terra-vocabulary.org/ncl/DataTerraRepositoryFairIncubator/motsClefs/c_8a100a1f

The total amount of snow that accumulates on the ground in a given location, including that from snowfall, snowdrift, and avalanche.

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is a observable property | Concept
submitted byHélène Bressan
accepted on 1 Mar 2024 09:05:44.482

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date accepted 1 Mar 2024 09:05:44.482
date submitted 1 Mar 2024 09:04:18.846
entity Date of the end of snow cover
source graph graph

en The total amount of snow that accumulates on the ground in a given location, including that from snowfall, snowdrift, and avalanche.
fr La quantité totale de neige qui s’accumule sur le sol à un endroit donné, y compris celle provenant des chutes de neige, des congères et des avalanches.
item class Concept | observable property
en Date of the end of snow cover
fr Date de fin de la couverture neigeuse
notation c_8a100a1f
register mots clefs
status status experimental
account name h.bressan@brgm.fr
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 2
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en The total amount of snow that accumulates on the ground in a given location, including that from snowfall, snowdrift, and avalanche.
fr La quantité totale de neige qui s’accumule sur le sol à un endroit donné, y compris celle provenant des chutes de neige, des congères et des avalanches.
exact match c 8a100a1f
in scheme Vocabulaire des mots clefs
en Date of the end of snow cover
fr Date de fin de la couverture neigeuse
pref label
en Date of the end of snow cover
fr Date de fin de la couverture neigeuse
same as c 8a100a1f
top concept of Vocabulaire des mots clefs
type observable property | Concept
was attributed to Pole THEIA