
Register: Earth features types

URI: https://terra-vocabulary.org/ncl/FAIR-Incubator/earthfeaturetype

The current thesaurus contains concepts related to the types of physical Earth science features or entities.

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is a Container | concept scheme | Register
licence https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
changed on 11 Apr 2022 12:36:54.701
submitted byViqui Agazzi
accepted on 13 Apr 2022 08:20:15.703

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definition The current thesaurus contains concepts related to the types of physical Earth science features or entities.
description The current thesaurus contains concepts related to the types of physical Earth science features or entities.
has top concept Biosphere | Atmosphere | Terrestrial hydrosphere | Oceans | Solid Earth | Land surface | Cryosphere
hierarchy child property narrower
hierarchy root property top concept of
inverse membership predicate in scheme
is member of relation in scheme
label Earth features types
license https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
member Marine ecosystems | Toxins | Permafrost | Surface winds | Plant | Cloud condensation nuclei | Bacteria | Bathymetry | Sea floor | Water table | Slope | Virus | Electric field | Aerosols | Urban areas | Nutrients | Upper ocean | Droughts | Winds | Upper level winds | Tectonics | Canopy | Magnetic events | Plankton | Rock | Pigments | Gravity field | Tropopause | Coastline | Ocean circulation | Snow | Pathogenic organisms | Mesopause | Lightning | Ocean pressure | Soil | Currents | Dust / Ash / Smoke | River | Lake | Solid precipitation | Seagrass | Heat wave | Estuary | Liquid precipitation | Sea | Terrestrial hydrosphere | Fog | Atmosphere | Radiation | Surface water | Benthic | Iceberg | Tornadoes | Peatland | Waves | Cold wave | Glaciers | Air | Ocean heat budget | Earthquake | Marine sediments | Atmospheric electricity | Suspended matter | Land cover | Crustal motion | Ground water | Eddies | Crops | Smog | Oceans | Sea Ice | Weather events | Topography | Clouds | Biosphere | Ocean surface | Water vapor | Solid Earth | Sediment | Ocean acoustics | Magnetic field | Deep ocean | Coastal | Atmospheric pressure | Hydrometeors | Anticyclones / cyclones | Karstic water | Basin | Ice sheets | Open Ocean | Spring | Precipitation | Cryosphere | Pond | Storms | Stratopause | Ecosystems | Vegetation | Forest | Particulates | ...
modified 11 Apr 2022 12:36:54.701
notation earthfeaturetype
pref label Earth features types
title Data Terra Earth feature types thesaurus.
type Container | concept scheme | Register
version info 3
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Contents (list view)

Name Notation Description Types Status
Suspended matter c_054b8939 Particulate matter suspended in the water column, greater tha... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Seismic event c_07d7a262 A general term used for localized sources of different type w... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Waves c_07dee2c6 Study of the disturbances of the ocean medium caused by the m... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Pond c_0880cb63 A body of standing water, either natural or man-made, that is... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Winds c_08b9fec7 Air in motion relative to the surface of the earth. Concept , feature of interest experimental
Seismogenic source zone c_09838b22 That portion of the crust or lithosphere capable of generatin... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Atmosphere c_0a379d24 The gaseous envelope surrounding the Earth in a several kilom... Concept , feature of interest experimental
Estuary c_0a79169e The place where animals or plants live in a semi-enclosed coa... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Seagrass c_0abce89a Seagrasses are marin angiosperms with erect, elongated leaves... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Benthic c_0c08d517 Pertaining to ocean bottom as the place where an organism liv... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Surface faulting c_1255e4c2 Faulting that reaches the Earth’s surface; commonly accompani... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Fault plane c_13d4909c Surface along which slip occurs during an earthquake. It is o... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Glacial processes c_17002845 feature of interest , Concept experimental
Biosphere c_1a8d861b The biosphere is made up of the parts of Earth where life exi... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Iceberg c_203c5558 A massive piece of ice of greatly varying shape, protruding 5... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Tropical marine organisms c_20b9edff feature of interest , Concept experimental
Vegetation c_2257161a Vegetation, as used, here are types of plants and vegetation ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Cryosphere c_23f1c869 The cryosphere is the frozen water part of the Earth system. ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Weather events c_2a3b3767 The study of significant weather events. Concept , feature of interest experimental
Pigments c_2a5660bc Colored organic compounds synthesized by organisms. feature of interest , Concept experimental
Ocean acoustics c_2a63d7df Scientific field of study pertaining to sound propagation in ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Canopy c_2b0f1c7c Cover of leaves and branches formed collectively by tops of p... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Precipitation c_2b70315b All liquid or solid phase aqueous particles that originate in... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Permafrost c_2c324256 Soil frozen permanently (practically for a duration of at lea... Concept , feature of interest experimental
Dust / Ash / Smoke c_2ef0156c Solid materials suspended in the atmosphere in the form of sm... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Tsunami c_3224311f Japanese for 'wave in bay'. A long-period wave generated by r... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Aftershock c_3311d0a2 An earthquake occurring as a consequence of a larger earthqua... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Upper ocean c_3964b595 feature of interest , Concept experimental
Cold wave c_3db75932 As used in the U.S. National Weather Service, a rapid fall in... feature of interest , Concept experimental
River c_3f4581f4 A natural watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Plankton c_3f48af78 Plankton refers to any community of floating or weakly swimmi... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Heat wave c_40484227 Also called hot wave, warm wave. A period of abnormally and... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Land surface c_46fa2569 Refers to the surface area and features on the surface of the... Concept , feature of interest experimental
Foreshock c_4a05dfcd Relatively smaller earthquake that precedes the largest earth... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Cloud condensation nuclei c_4ab2059e Known as CCN: particles that will take up water to form cloud... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Anticyclones / cyclones c_526a7dee An anticyclone is a dome of air that exerts relatively high a... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Crops c_57139860 Concept experimental
Rock c_582c60b7 A naturally occurring solid aggregate of one or more minerals... Concept , feature of interest experimental
Storms c_59fe066a feature of interest , Concept experimental
Land cover c_5caafe58 The observed physical cover and natural use of the land inclu... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Crustal motion c_603c7634 Pertaining to the use of gravitational data in order to deter... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Lake c_60816a99 An area of land where surface water from rain, melting snow, ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Liquid precipitation c_615244d0 Liquid precipitation that reaches the Earth's surface in the ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Fault c_62dd7e98 Fracture or fracture zone in the ground, along which the two ... Concept , feature of interest experimental
Mesopause c_673de7a3 The top of the mesosphere and the base of the thermosphere. T... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Virus c_6b0596b6 A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Upper level winds c_6e2cfd33 Generally, the wind speeds and directions at various levels i... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Hydrometeors c_6ece9a8f Particles in the atmosphere composed of water, e.g. ice, rain... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Water vapor c_6f135212 Water substance in vapor form; one of the most important of a... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Tides c_6f4d094a Pertaining to the study of the periodic rise and fall of the ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Macroseismic place c_7105ed8d A particular place affected by some earthquake, where some le... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Topography c_72e9e9bf The general configuration of the land surface, including its ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Lightning c_73e41794 Generally, any and all of the various forms of visible electr... Concept , feature of interest experimental
Ocean heat budget c_73e5b33d Study of the heat energy gains and losses of the oceans, on g... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Electric field c_7b6a0433 The region in which electric forces can be observed, e.g. nea... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Surface water c_7bf7a2c4 Surface water is water located on top of the Earth's surface... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Basin c_7f9f70e8 An area of land where surface water from rain, melting snow, ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Urban areas c_83cfca32 A geographical area constituting a city or town. feature of interest , Concept experimental
Peatland c_8411bede Peatlands are areas formed by a brown mass of organic matter ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Smog c_846ed19f A natural fog contaminated by industrial pollutants, literall... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Coastal c_85f1ad43 Pertaining to the area of the ocean near the seashore, includ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Ice sheets c_870e1a6e Ice sheets are a continuous sheet of land ice that covers a v... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Aerosols c_89f5b84f Suspension of particles of condensed matter (liquid, solid, o... Concept , feature of interest experimental
Plant c_8ab57365 The plant kingdom, which contains multicellular eukaryotic p... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Sea c_8b0fa357 feature of interest , Concept experimental
Gravitational processes c_8ce63b01 feature of interest , Concept experimental
Particulates c_8d7b6a48 Fine solids or liquid droplets suspended in the air. feature of interest , Concept experimental
Forest c_8f6f7d19 Areas in which vegetation is dominated by trees with their cr... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Slope c_8fdd98eb feature of interest , Concept experimental
Karstic water c_96a12ec2 Water from karst aquifer. feature of interest , Concept experimental
Surface winds c_98aaf2e2 The wind measured at a surface observing station. feature of interest , Concept experimental
Subduction c_98becb4f In plate tectonics: the process that makes one plate (the sla... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Glaciers c_994e9c38 Glaciers are masses of land ice, formed by the further recrys... Concept , feature of interest experimental
Deep ocean c_99712fa5 feature of interest , Concept experimental
Sea floor c_99f8302b feature of interest , Concept experimental
Gravity field c_9d6b9dc4 Dealing with the determination of the size and shape of the e... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Landscape c_9e04ad11 The fundamental traits of a specific geographic area; includi... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Spring c_9f12ad9a A natural flow of water from the sub-surface to the surface. ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Coastline c_9f7c4c93 The actual contour of the continents. feature of interest , Concept experimental
Earthquake swarm c_9fa08da0 A series of earthquakes occurring in a small area over an ext... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Water table c_a249ebb0 The surface defined by the level of freestanding water in fis... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Earthquake sequence c_a2551eb9 A series of earthquakes originating in the same (wider) local... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Pathogenic organisms c_a29648be feature of interest , Concept experimental
Tectonics c_a36d35ee Scientific study of the deformation of the rocks that make up... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Landslide c_a5e7c89d Landslide: the down-slope movement of soil and/or rock. feature of interest , Concept experimental
Tornadoes c_a6a671dd A small mass of air (whirlwind) that spins rapidly about an a... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Epicenter c_a704b440 Point on the Earth's surface vertically above the earthquake ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Clouds c_a7f50a35 A visible aggregate of minute water droplets and/or ice cryst... Concept , feature of interest experimental
Fog c_a8f0e8e5 A visible aggregate of minute water droplets suspended in the... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Aquifer c_acf1f10d Pertaining to subsurface rock layers that store and transport... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Ocean circulation c_ad08c878 Pertaining to or measuring the movement of water in the marin... Concept , feature of interest experimental
Terrestrial hydrosphere c_b1bee603 Terrestrial - related to the Earth, A hydrosphere is the tota... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Radiation c_b1cc3c80 Radiation budget refers to the difference between the absorbe... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Ocean surface c_b3b9b1c5 feature of interest , Concept experimental
Macroseismic epicenter c_b41ff618 Position of highest intensities. It can be different from the... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Marine sediments c_b97c5822 Loose particles of inorganic or organic origin, suspended in ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Soil c_b98c746c The top layer of the land surface of the earth that is compos... Concept , feature of interest experimental
Plate-boundary c_baebd83c The zone of diffuse deformation, often marked by a distributi... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Earthquake c_bb7aa2d0 A sudden motion or trembling in the Earth. The motion is caus... Concept , feature of interest experimental
Currents c_bc7ecd6e Horizontal flow of water in an established, defined pattern. feature of interest , Concept experimental
Atmospheric electricity c_bcc8d103 Electrical phenomena, regarded collectively, which occur in t... Concept , feature of interest experimental
Sediment c_bdf17c1e Unconsolidated particles created by the weathering and erosio... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Toxins c_be94ac04 feature of interest , Concept experimental
Solid precipitation c_befa784c Solid (frozen) precipitation, for example, snow, hail, ice pe... Concept , feature of interest experimental
Macroseismic aera c_c11c0807 Geographical area in which the intensity of the earthquake is... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Eddies c_c39ac41e Unit(s) of motion in a fluid medium (ocean) running contrary,... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Seismogenic fault c_c55776fb A geological fault that is capable of generating earthquakes.... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Sea Ice c_c5630f52 Pertaining to the study of frozen seawater over the ocean sur... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Magnetic events c_c780182e Magnetic remarkable events that have been measured at the Ear... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Bacteria c_c8f7b2e1 The Bacteria is an ex­tremely metabolically and ecologically ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Bathymetry c_cdcf9281 The measurement and charting of the spatial variation of the ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Droughts c_d1d744d2 A period of abnormally dry weather sufficiently long enough t... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Ocean pressure c_d420d724 Pertaining to the measurement of force per unit area exerted... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Bivalves c_d6dea859 Aquatic mollusk with a compressed body enclosed within a hing... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Active fault c_d82bf41b A fault that has slipped during the present seismotectonic re... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Mainshock c_d90173bc The largest earthquake in an earthquake sequence, sometimes p... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Snow c_d9e227b1 A type of frozen precipitation composed of white or transluce... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Open Ocean c_d9f7c5e2 feature of interest , Concept experimental
Volcano c_da198648 A mountain, hill, or plateau formed by the accumulation of ma... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Nutrients c_dceae114 Inorganic or organic solutes necessary for the nutrition of p... Concept , feature of interest experimental
Air c_de3c4bc8 The study of air components in the atmosphere. feature of interest , Concept experimental
Atmospheric pressure c_ded25f61 The pressure exerted by the atmosphere as a consequence of gr... Concept , feature of interest experimental
Marine ecosystems c_e435e3c1 The space used by an organism together with the other organis... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Stratopause c_ea718cc8 The top of the inversion layer in the upper stratosphere at a... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Particulate matter c_ebde8462 Particulate matter, also known as particle pollution or PM, i... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Ecosystems c_ee1307b6 An ecosystem is a community of living organisms in conjunctio... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Solid Earth c_f0be2da5 Refers to "the Earth beneath our feet", the planet's solid su... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Ground water c_f28b51a6 Ground water in its broadest sense includes all subsurface wa... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Hypocenter c_f339f0e0 A point in the Earth (also called earthquake focus) where the... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Tectonic processes c_f722103b The process of upwelling of magma, plate movement, subduction... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Seismic source c_f7c2c40d A localized area or volume generating coherent, usually trans... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Tropopause c_f9d2cf7d The boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere. feature of interest , Concept experimental
Oceans c_fb12f2ac Ocean is a very large expanse of sea, in particular, each of ... feature of interest , Concept experimental
Magnetic field c_fb8b1c5e Pertaining to the magnetic field generated by the Earth, cons... feature of interest , Concept experimental