
Register: Earth Science Sensors

URI: https://terra-vocabulary.org/ncl/FAIR-Incubator/earthsciencesensors

The current thesaurus contains concepts related to data acquisition sensors types for Earth science.

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is a Container | Register | concept scheme
licence https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
submitted byViqui Agazzi
accepted on 29 Sep 2022 09:14:08.705

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definition The current thesaurus contains concepts related to data acquisition sensors types for Earth science.
has member relation member
has top concept Positioning/Navigation | Altimeters | Spectrometers/Radiometers | Imaging Radars | Thermal/Radiation detectors | Photon/Optical Detectors | Temperature/Humidity sensors | Chemical Meters/Analyzers | Samplers | Recorders/Loggers | Pressure/Height Meters | Profilers/Sounders | Probes | Gauges | Current/Wind Meters
hierarchy child property narrower
hierarchy root property top concept of
inverse membership predicate in scheme
is member of relation in scheme
label Earth Science Sensors
license https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
member Video Camera | Rain Gauges | Ozonesondes | CO2 Analyzers | Radar spectrometers | Vertical Pointing Radar | GPS Receivers | OPC | WCR | c af0895c4 | Current/Wind Meters | Ozone Analyzers | Radio Sounders | Aerosol Collectors | 1D speed seismological model | INS | Sun Photometers | Pressure Sensors | Laser Spectrometer | c caa2b63a | Acoustic Radar | Seismological antenna | Gravimeters | Wind Monitor | Mercury Analyzers | CRDS | Lidar/Laser Spectrometers | International Geomagnetic Reference Field Model (IGRF) | Lightning Instrument Package (LIP) | Hydrometers | TSX-1 | Accelerograph | Humidity sensors | IASI | GNSS Dual-frequency receiver | Raman Lidar | Pressure Altimeters | Spectrometers/Radiometers | High Volume Particle Sampler (HVPS) | Pressure/Height Meters | Infrared Radiometers | Wet/Dry Precipitation Samplers | Barometers | MAAP | Photon/Optical Detectors | OLI | IIR | Temperature Loggers | c 8004d4a7 | Probes | Terrestrial laser scanner | Operational models | Nephelometers | Automated Weather System (AWS) | Wind Profilers | Cameras | Particle spectrometers | SAPHIR | Radar Sounders | POLDER-3 | TEOM | CPC | BCP | CloudSat-CPR | GOES I-M Imager | Wet deposition Collectors | Dropsondes | RADAR | Climate models | Profilers/Sounders | MADRAS | Hygrothermographs | Gauges | Aerosol/Cloud Particle Sizer | Dobson spectrophotometers | Imaging Radars | Lidar/Laser Altimeters | Temperature sensors | Ceilometers | MODIS | PALSAR-2 | Radiometers | Absolute gravimeter | Visibility Sensor | Interferometric radar | c 4f8bc66a | SEVIRI | High Resolution Visible Imaging System (HRV) | Tachometers | Carbon Analyzers | AHI | MSI | Ozone Monitors | Soil heat flux transducer | Magnetic/Motion Sensors | Anemometers | Ozone Sensors | Radio | MTSAT 1R Imager | Altimeters | c 6159efa3 | ...
modified 29 Sep 2022 09:11:14.777
notation earthsciencesensors
pref label Earth Science Sensors
title Data Terra Earth science sensors types thesaurus.
type Container | Register | concept scheme
version info 2
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Contents (list view)

Name Notation Description Types Status
TSX-1 c_0109745c Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) The primary payload is a Synth... Sensor , Concept experimental
Aerosol Collectors c_01ea6863 Aerosol collectors are devices used to measure aerosols usual... Sensor , Concept experimental
Carbon Analyzers c_0455f80e A CARBON ANALYZER is an instrument that performs analyses on ... Sensor , Concept experimental
Spectrometers c_05739027 Sensor , Concept experimental
Meteorological Measurement System (MMS) c_05ce0374 The Meteorological Measurement System (MMS) is a proven instr... Sensor , Concept experimental
MODIS c_06c82b39 The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is ... Sensor , Concept experimental
Barometers c_080297b7 BAROMETERS are instruments for measuring atmospheric pressure... Sensor , Concept experimental
Doppler Radar c_08630044 A DOPPLER RADAR is a measuring instrument in which the echo o... Sensor , Concept experimental
Video Camera c_0ab6d504 A camera used for electronic motion picture acquisition, init... Sensor , Concept experimental
CloudSat-CPR c_0e01478c The Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR) is a 94-GHz nadir-looking rad... Sensor , Concept experimental
SEVIRI c_0e364531 This radiometer is the main instrument on board the Meteosat ... Sensor , Concept experimental
Laser Spectrometer c_0f18b31d LASER SPECTROMETER are spectrometers with the added feature o... Sensor , Concept experimental
TIRS c_0f46bc5c The Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) will measure land surface ... Sensor , Concept experimental
High Volume Particle Sampler (HVPS) c_1112d3b7 The High Volume Particle Sampler, also known as the High Volu... Sensor , Concept experimental
Thermometers c_117a6b4d Sensor , Concept experimental
Ozone Analyzers c_1199c209 Sensor , Concept experimental
Dobson spectrophotometers c_11d20af3 A DOBSON SPECTROPHOTOMETER is a photoelectric spectrophotomet... Sensor , Concept experimental
OPC c_1325700b Sensor , Concept experimental
Gauges c_134e7645 Sensor , Concept experimental
Hydrometers c_145dd477 Sensor , Concept experimental
Acoustic Radar c_165c9e27 An acoustic radar is a device acting as the well known radars... Sensor , Concept experimental
BCP c_1afa1ae5 Sensor , Concept experimental
Wet/Dry Precipitation Samplers c_20e47f2f Precipitation samples are collected with wet/dry collectors o... Sensor , Concept experimental
CO Analyzers c_21950843 Sensor , Concept experimental
Velocimeter c_21b42551 Seismometer that measures the velocity of the ground motion a... Sensor , Concept experimental
IIR c_234cd7d2 The Imaging Infrared Radiometer (IIR) instrument on CALIPSO i... Sensor , Concept experimental
POLDER-3 c_24865136 The POLDER instrument is a camera composed of a two-dimension... Sensor , Concept experimental
MPL c_24ebb449 The MPL (Spinhirne et al. 1995) is a compact and eye-safe lid... Sensor , Concept experimental
PALSAR-2 c_2a68d32c Sensor , Concept experimental
High Resolution Visible Imaging System (HRV) c_2d24fda3 Sensor , Concept experimental
HRVIR c_2d67f68b The HRVIR imaging instrument is designed to acquire, instanta... Sensor , Concept experimental
Pressure Sensors c_2e2f51e7 Sensor , Concept experimental
Probes c_2f2d85d8 Concept , Sensor experimental
HRG c_30588ff8 The panchromatic resolution is 2.5m / 5 m. Imagery at a resol... Sensor , Concept experimental
SRAL c_306259e6 SRAL is a redundant dual-frequency (C-band + Ku-band) nadir-l... Sensor , Concept experimental
INS c_32f8f869 An Inertial Navigation System (INS) is a system used to contr... Sensor , Concept experimental
Profilers/Sounders c_3424b01a Sensor , Concept experimental
Anemometers c_343483b5 ANEMOMETERS are instruments designed to measure either total ... Sensor , Concept experimental
Lidar/Laser sounders c_365d1927 Sensor , Concept experimental
Temperature Loggers c_384c6c64 Temperature loggers are devices used to measure and log tempe... Sensor , Concept experimental
WFC c_39e58997 The WFC is a modified version of the commercial off-the-shelf... Sensor , Concept experimental
NAOMI c_3acf737c NAOMI is a product line of high-resolution imagers designed a... Sensor , Concept experimental
Thermal/Radiation detectors c_3b986f44 Sensor , Concept experimental
CNC c_3f165109 The Condensation Nuclei Counter (CNC) uses an optical method ... Sensor , Concept experimental
Tethersondes c_3fab8b07 TETHERSONDES are radiosondes attached to a fixed or tethered ... Sensor , Concept experimental
Lightning Instrument Package (LIP) c_3fe89f25 The Lightning Instrument Package (LIP) consists of an average... Sensor , Concept experimental
Wind Profilers c_43afcc9e WIND PROFILERS are radars that are used to measure vertical p... Sensor , Concept experimental
Soil moisture probe c_44d658a0 A SOIL MOISTURE PROBE is a device that measures the total amo... Sensor , Concept experimental
Temperature sensors c_46cc998e A meteorological sensor used to measure temperature. Sensor , Concept experimental
Magnetic/Motion Sensors c_46df8dda Sensor , Concept experimental
Recorders/Loggers c_48edf7e8 Concept , Sensor experimental
RA-2 c_4903c41c The Radar Altimeter-2 (RA-2) on the European Space Agency (ES... Sensor , Concept experimental
Tachometers c_4bf6623c Sensor , Concept experimental
REIS c_4e08c4d1 The RapidEye constellation consists of five optical Earth Obs... Sensor , Concept experimental
Radio Sounders c_4e5fee37 Sensor , Concept experimental
Operational models c_4ef53bab Sensor , Concept experimental
International Geomagnetic Reference Field Model (IGRF) c_53801190 Standard and international mathematical description of the Ea... Sensor , Concept experimental
Velocimetric sensor c_554e610f Sensor , Concept experimental
Spectrometers/Radiometers c_56a86f53 Sensor , Concept experimental
Seismograph c_56ec0a1e SEISMOGRAPHS are measuring instruments for detecting and meas... Sensor , Concept experimental
Sonic Anemometers c_5a225f49 A SONIC ANEMOMETER is an anemometer that measures linear comp... Sensor , Concept experimental
OLI c_5c81e54e The Operational Land Imager (OLI), built by the Ball Aerospac... Sensor , Concept experimental
SAR c_5c9a303c Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR)provides the capability of acqui... Sensor , Concept experimental
Lidar/Laser Altimeters c_607036cf Sensor , Concept experimental
Ceilometers c_679fc64f Ceilometers are devices using a laser or other light source t... Sensor , Concept experimental
Grabbers/Traps/Collectors c_69dbfcea Sensor , Concept experimental
Wind Vanes c_6a9bbcd9 WIND VANES are instruments used to indicate or measure wind d... Sensor , Concept experimental
MADRAS c_6cbad00a MADRAS (Microwave Analysis and Detection of Rain and Atmosphe... Sensor , Concept experimental
Pressure/Height Meters c_6eed9f12 Sensor , Concept experimental
SCARAB c_6ff6c386 The Scanner for Radiation Budget (SCaRaB) is a joint project ... Sensor , Concept experimental
Aerosol Monitor c_703b745f The aerosol monitor measures mass concentrations of airborne ... Sensor , Concept experimental
Dropsondes c_72cc5240 DROPSONDES are radiosondes with a parachute dropped form an a... Sensor , Concept experimental
Particle spectrometers c_7356a660 Sensor , Concept experimental
Seismological antenna c_75c58d3a Sensor , Concept experimental
Accelerometer c_7672ebc5 A sensor or transducer that converts acceleration of its base... Sensor , Concept experimental
Echo Sounders c_76f08dda ECHO SOUNDERS are devices that use sound waves to measure the... Sensor , Concept experimental
GNSS receiver c_7722a8b0 GNSS receivers detect, decode, and process signals from the G... Sensor , Concept experimental
Raman Lidar c_773258e6 Sensor , Concept experimental
MAAP c_77a01dfe The Model 5012 Multi Angle Absorption Photometer (MAAP) black... Sensor , Concept experimental
Radiosondes c_78c4df8a RADIOSONDES are expendable meteorological instrument packages... Sensor , Concept experimental
Interferometric radar c_78cbcccb Sensor , Concept experimental
Humidity sensors c_79eca974 HUMIDITY SENSORS are devices that receive a signal or stimulu... Sensor , Concept experimental
Current/Wind Meters c_7a6e967a Current meters are devices designed to measure speed alone or... Concept , Sensor experimental
Pyranometers c_7b20c8b6 PYRANOMETERS sometimes referred as solarimeters; the class of... Sensor , Concept experimental
Imaging Radars c_7d43f326 Concept , Sensor experimental
GEOS-Chem c_7da91729 Global 3-D chemical transport model (CTM) for atmospheric com... Sensor , Concept experimental
Automated Weather System (AWS) c_7e91fd52 An Automated Weather System (AWS) provides automatic real-tim... Sensor , Concept experimental
Imaging Spectrometers/Radiometers c_7fcafff6 Concept , Sensor experimental
MTSAT 1R Imager c_81117b70 Sensor , Concept experimental
Infrared Radiometers c_817b26de INFRARED RADIOMETERS are meters used to detect and measure ra... Sensor , Concept experimental
1D speed seismological model c_848c716a Sensor , Concept experimental
Radio c_8651534d Sensor , Concept experimental
Mercury Analyzers c_86cb4aca Sensor , Concept experimental
Pyrgeometers c_871c9c2a PYRGEOMETERS are instruments for measuring radiation in the l... Sensor , Concept experimental
Ozone Monitors c_87e1411d Ozone Monitors continuously measures the concentration of ozo... Sensor , Concept experimental
Visibility Sensor c_881793fd Visibility sensors detect atmospheric transparency and output... Sensor , Concept experimental
Moon Photometers c_890d9b5a Sensor , Concept experimental
POSEIDON-3 c_8b330764 The Poseidon-3 radar altimeter is the main instrument on the ... Sensor , Concept experimental
Aethalometer c_8f726064 A AETHAELOMETER is an instrument that measures soot concentra... Sensor , Concept experimental
Absolute gravimeter c_93d1d9b4 Sensor , Concept experimental
GNSS Dual-frequency receiver c_98732616 Sensor , Concept experimental
RADAR c_9c543447 A radar system usually operates in the ultra-high-frequency (... Sensor , Concept experimental
Interferometers c_9e572221 Sensor , Concept experimental
HiRI c_a044a00a HiRI of CNES with Thales Alenia Space (TAS-F) as the prime co... Sensor , Concept experimental
TEOM c_a105eaca In the Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM), the a... Sensor , Concept experimental
Radar spectrometers c_a197290f Sensor , Concept experimental
Gas Sensors c_a1f89cbd Sensor , Concept experimental
Terrestrial laser scanner c_a2c7d1eb Sensor , Concept experimental
Sun Photometers c_a3dfaf8b A Sun photometer (also spelled Sunphotometer) is an instrumen... Sensor , Concept experimental
SAPHIR c_a4c425fb SAPHIR (Sondeur Atmosphérique du Profil d'Humidité Intertropi... Sensor , Concept experimental
CPC c_aa8556e1 Sensor , Concept experimental
Wind Monitor c_ab29aed9 Wind Monitor or Propeller Wind Monitor is "a light-weight, st... Sensor , Concept experimental
Cameras c_ab7fd11b Concept , Sensor experimental
Eddy Correlation Devices c_ac614f5a EDDY CORRELATION DEVICES are devices that use the method of m... Sensor , Concept experimental
C-SAR c_ad89b099 The C-SAR instrument is an active phased array antenna provid... Sensor , Concept experimental
WCR c_b010da06 The Water Content Reflectometer measures the volumetric water... Sensor , Concept experimental
Rain Gauges c_b396cd11 A RAIN GAUGE is an instrument that measures and records the l... Sensor , Concept experimental
Particle detectors c_b56f87e8 PARTICLE DETECTORS are devices that receive a signal or stimu... Sensor , Concept experimental
Radar Sounders c_b5ca36c5 Concept , Sensor experimental
Wet deposition Collectors c_b897fe2b Sensor , Concept experimental
Climate models c_b8ddcfc3 Climate models, also known as general circulation models or G... Sensor , Concept experimental
Accelerograph c_b9e09c21 A compact, rugged, and relatively inexpensive seismograph des... Sensor , Concept experimental
Models c_badc4650 A mathematical model is a description of a system using mathe... Concept , Sensor experimental
Aerosol/Cloud Particle Sizer c_bbdccf61 Sensor , Concept experimental
Radon detectors c_be47289e Sensor , Concept experimental
Temperature/Humidity sensors c_bfeb2720 Concept , Sensor experimental
CO2 Analyzers c_c13a973c CO2 ANALYZERS are devices that performs analyses on carbon di... Sensor , Concept experimental
GOES N-P Imager c_c1db4369 The GOES Imager is a multi-channel instrument designed to sen... Sensor , Concept experimental
Magnetic probe c_c3b8d38f Sensor , Concept experimental
Photometers c_c7254a93 Concept , Sensor experimental
AHI c_c857fab1 The first ABI-class imager launched, known as the Advanced Hi... Sensor , Concept experimental
Net radiometers c_cb5c4f0b NET RADIOMETERS are radiometers designed to measure the diffe... Sensor , Concept experimental
Pressure Altimeters c_cbc0707a Sensor , Concept experimental
Lidar/Laser Spectrometers c_cbc1a12d Sensor , Concept experimental
GOES I-M Imager c_ccee2661 The GOES I-M Imager is a five channel (one visible, four infr... Sensor , Concept experimental
Radar Altimeters c_cd564223 Concept , Sensor experimental
Samplers c_cd7b71ad Sensor , Concept experimental
NOAMI c_ce07128d Sensor , Concept experimental
Photon/Optical Detectors c_cedd174f Sensor , Concept experimental
CRDS c_d022147a Nearly every small gas-phase molecule (e.g., CO2, H2O, H2S, N... Sensor , Concept experimental
Ozone Sensors c_d132ceb5 Ozone sensors are instruments that are able to to provide ozo... Sensor , Concept experimental
CALIOP c_d31630c0 The Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP)... Sensor , Concept experimental
Thermosalinographs c_d43ebcb7 Thermosalinograph is an externally powered, high-accuracy ins... Sensor , Concept experimental
Vertical Pointing Radar c_d49c2c48 The purpose of a Vertical Pointing Radar is to study precipit... Sensor , Concept experimental
IASI c_d79f867c IASI, the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer is a k... Sensor , Concept experimental
Positioning/Navigation c_d92646cf Concept , Sensor experimental
GNSS antenna c_ddaa93a1 GNSS receivers detect, decode, and process signals from the G... Sensor , Concept experimental
Ozonesondes c_ddbd20eb OZONESONDES are adiosondes equipped with an instrument to mea... Sensor , Concept experimental
Gas Chromatographs c_ddfeccb4 Gas chromatography - specifically gas-liquid chromatography -... Sensor , Concept experimental
MTSAT 2 Imager c_deb85791 Sensor , Concept experimental
Hygrometers c_e561b2ea Sensor , Concept experimental
Chemical Meters/Analyzers c_e7432f29 Instrument for monitoring, measuring, or recording the rate o... Concept , Sensor experimental
Temperature Probes c_e88eb780 A Temperature Probe is a device used to directly measure the ... Sensor , Concept experimental
Seismometers c_ea56ac97 A seismometer is an instrument that responds to ground noises... Sensor , Concept experimental
MISR c_eb78459c To accomplish its scientific objectives, the MISR instrument ... Sensor , Concept experimental
Acoustic Sounders c_ede6daeb Sensor , Concept experimental
MSI c_ef837376 MSIS (Multispectral Imaging System): 4-band visible (red, gre... Sensor , Concept experimental
Dry deposition Collectors c_f019ab68 Sensor , Concept experimental
Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) c_f0e911c0 A lightning mapping array is a network of time-of-arrival sen... Sensor , Concept experimental
IAGOS-P2d c_f16608bb Sensor , Concept experimental
GPS Receivers c_f24015f1 GPS RECEIVERS receive radio or TV signals, which is used for ... Sensor , Concept experimental
Nephelometers c_f4bc9a3f A nephelometer measures the scattering coefficient of light c... Sensor , Concept experimental
Radiometers c_f6fb186b Concept , Sensor experimental
Gravimeters c_f701ac35 Sensor , Concept experimental
Soil heat flux transducer c_f97aebba Soil heat flux is commonly measured using a soil heat flux tr... Sensor , Concept experimental
Hygrothermographs c_f9ba6ccb Sensor , Concept experimental
Disdrometers c_f9ebfaa0 DISDROMETERS are instruments that measure and record sizes of... Sensor , Concept experimental
Altimeters c_fa30fad9 Concept , Sensor experimental
MVIRI c_fe62fa62 Sensor , Concept experimental