
Register: Earth Science Sensors

URI: https://terra-vocabulary.org/ncl/FAIR-Incubator/earthsciencesensors

The current thesaurus contains concepts related to data acquisition sensors types for Earth science.

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is a Container | Register | concept scheme
licence https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
submitted byViqui Agazzi
accepted on 29 Sep 2022 09:14:08.705

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definition The current thesaurus contains concepts related to data acquisition sensors types for Earth science.
has member relation member
has top concept Positioning/Navigation | Altimeters | Spectrometers/Radiometers | Imaging Radars | Thermal/Radiation detectors | Photon/Optical Detectors | Temperature/Humidity sensors | Chemical Meters/Analyzers | Samplers | Recorders/Loggers | Pressure/Height Meters | Profilers/Sounders | Probes | Gauges | Current/Wind Meters
hierarchy child property narrower
hierarchy root property top concept of
inverse membership predicate in scheme
is member of relation in scheme
label Earth Science Sensors
license https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
member Video Camera | Rain Gauges | Ozonesondes | CO2 Analyzers | Radar spectrometers | Vertical Pointing Radar | GPS Receivers | OPC | WCR | Superconducting gravimeter | Current/Wind Meters | Ozone Analyzers | Radio Sounders | Aerosol Collectors | 1D speed seismological model | INS | Sun Photometers | Pressure Sensors | Laser Spectrometer | Broadband Seismometer | Acoustic Radar | Seismological antenna | Gravimeters | Wind Monitor | Mercury Analyzers | CRDS | Lidar/Laser Spectrometers | International Geomagnetic Reference Field Model (IGRF) | Lightning Instrument Package (LIP) | Hydrometers | TSX-1 | Accelerograph | Humidity sensors | IASI | GNSS Dual-frequency receiver | Raman Lidar | Pressure Altimeters | Spectrometers/Radiometers | High Volume Particle Sampler (HVPS) | Pressure/Height Meters | Infrared Radiometers | Wet/Dry Precipitation Samplers | Barometers | MAAP | Photon/Optical Detectors | OLI | IIR | Temperature Loggers | Relative gravimeter GPSMob | Probes | Terrestrial laser scanner | Operational models | Nephelometers | Automated Weather System (AWS) | Wind Profilers | Cameras | Particle spectrometers | SAPHIR | Radar Sounders | POLDER-3 | TEOM | CPC | BCP | CloudSat-CPR | GOES I-M Imager | Wet deposition Collectors | Dropsondes | RADAR | Climate models | Profilers/Sounders | MADRAS | Hygrothermographs | Gauges | Aerosol/Cloud Particle Sizer | Dobson spectrophotometers | Imaging Radars | Lidar/Laser Altimeters | Temperature sensors | Ceilometers | MODIS | PALSAR-2 | Radiometers | Absolute gravimeter | Visibility Sensor | Interferometric radar | Relative gravimeter Gmob | SEVIRI | High Resolution Visible Imaging System (HRV) | Tachometers | Carbon Analyzers | AHI | MSI | Ozone Monitors | Soil heat flux transducer | Magnetic/Motion Sensors | Anemometers | Ozone Sensors | Radio | MTSAT 1R Imager | Altimeters | Gyrocompass | ...
modified 29 Sep 2022 09:11:14.777
notation earthsciencesensors
pref label Earth Science Sensors
title Data Terra Earth science sensors types thesaurus.
type Container | Register | concept scheme
version info 2
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Contents (tree view)

Positioning/Navigation experimental
Chemical Meters/Analyzers Instrument for monitoring, measuring, or recording the rate o... experimental
Altimeters experimental
Samplers experimental
Current/Wind Meters Current meters are devices designed to measure speed alone or... experimental
Imaging Radars experimental
Pressure/Height Meters experimental
Profilers/Sounders experimental
Thermal/Radiation detectors experimental
Magnetic/Motion Sensors experimental
Photon/Optical Detectors experimental
Spectrometers/Radiometers experimental
Tachometers experimental
Probes experimental
Recorders/Loggers experimental
Gauges experimental
Temperature/Humidity sensors experimental
Models A mathematical model is a description of a system using mathe... experimental