
Entry: Himawari

URI: https://terra-vocabulary.org/ncl/FAIR-Incubator/earthscienceplatforms/c_919d21b8

The Japanese Geostationary Meteorological Satellite (GMS) series, also known as its nickname, "Himawari" (meaning a "sunflower"), is on the geostationary orbit at 140 degrees of east longitude to carry out weather observation from space being part of the World Weather Watch (WWW) project of the World Meteorological Organization. The images of the earth and clouds sent from this satellite series have been used in many areas such as weather forecasts in TV or newspaper; therefore, it is strongly connected to our daily life. After the "Himawari-6", the GMS series was replaced by a Multifunctional Transport Satellite series to broaden its scope of operation. It is operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency for climatic observation.

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is a Concept | Platform
submitted byViqui Agazzi
accepted on 19 Sep 2022 08:12:55.826

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date accepted 19 Sep 2022 08:12:55.826
date submitted 19 Sep 2022 08:09:54.973
entity Himawari
source graph graph

item class Concept | Platform
label Himawari
notation c_919d21b8
register earthscienceplatforms
status status experimental
account name victoria.agazzi@teledetection.fr
name Viqui Agazzi

type register item
version info 2
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broader Earth Observation Satellites
definition The Japanese Geostationary Meteorological Satellite (GMS) series, also known as its nickname, "Himawari" (meaning a "sunflower"), is on the geostationary orbit at 140 degrees of east longitude to carry out weather observation from space being part of the World Weather Watch (WWW) project of the World Meteorological Organization. The images of the earth and clouds sent from this satellite series have been used in many areas such as weather forecasts in TV or newspaper; therefore, it is strongly connected to our daily life. After the "Himawari-6", the GMS series was replaced by a Multifunctional Transport Satellite series to broaden its scope of operation. It is operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency for climatic observation.
exact match d8b7fc7d 9cf3 4020 947d f33d712b64ab | 4bbe6f53 2de6 4b91 ad60 a4450604fe30
label Himawari
pref label Himawari
type Concept | Platform