
Register: Earth science platforms

URI: https://terra-vocabulary.org/ncl/FAIR-Incubator/earthscienceplatforms

The current thesaurus contains concepts related to data acquisition platforms for Earth science.

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is a Container | concept scheme | Register
licence https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
changed on 9 Jul 2024 13:27:25.076
submitted byViqui Agazzi
accepted on 19 Sep 2022 08:13:25.652

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definition The current thesaurus contains concepts related to data acquisition platforms for Earth science.
has top concept In Situ Ocean-based | Earth Observation Airbornes | Earth Observation Satellites | Models | In Situ Land-based | Navigation systems
hierarchy child property narrower
hierarchy root property top concept of
inverse membership predicate in scheme
is member of relation in scheme
label Earth science platforms
license https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
member ENVISAT | R/V L'Atalante | GCOM-W1 | COSMO-SKYMED | ADEOS-I | GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) | AROME | R/V Meteor | HUREL-DUBOIS | SPOT-1 | OCO-2 | METEOSAT | World Digital Magnetic anomaly Map (WDMAM) | CALIPSO | JASON-3 | Ground Stations | NCAR | VENuS | Ships | METEO-MERLIN | SPOT-6 | UAV / RPAS | SPOT-2 | PLEIADES | Aura | Himawari | In Situ Land-based | SPOT-3 | Green-house gas Observing Satellite - 2 | Terra | SENTINEL-2A | Pleiades-1A | GPS | Aircraft | SENTINEL-1A | CloudSat | Navigation systems | Numerical weather prediction | OCO-3 | Sentinel-5P | Mobile stations | SPOT | METOP | SENTINEL-1B | ALOS-2 | SAFIRE-F20 | ARAT-F27 | SAFIRE-ATR42 | Geodetic station | SPOT-4 | Operational models | LANDSAT-8 | Green-house gas Observing Satellite | Weather Stations | Earth Observation Satellites | SENTINEL-2 | GEOS-Chem | Meteorological Stations | Sky Arrow | SENTINEL-5 | Radio sondes | SAFIRE-PIPER | SENTINEL-3B | RAPIDEYE | ADEOS-II | Galileo | SENTINEL-3A | Large-eddy simulations | Pleiades-1B | Fixed Observation Stations | Pibal | ALOS | Aqua | ADEOS (Advanced Earth Observing Satellite) | NOAA Lockheed WP-3D Orion | SPOT-5 | International Geomagnetic Reference Field Model (IGRF) | Earth Observation Airbornes | Plane | SENTINEL-1 | Balloons | Air monitoring Stations | R/V Ronald H. Brown | R/V Maria S. Merian | In Situ Ocean-based | Seismological station | Ocean stations | NASA Earth System Science Pathfinder | RADARSAT | FY (Feng-Yun) | Buoys | SENTINEL-3 | BAS Twin Otter VP-FAZ | MT1 | SENTINEL-2B | JASON-2 | Accelerometric station | Models | TerraSAR-X | Ultralight | DLR HALO | ...
modified 9 Jul 2024 13:27:25.076
notation earthscienceplatforms
pref label Earth science platforms
title Data Terra Earth science platform thesaurus.
type Container | concept scheme | Register
version info 3
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Contents (list view)

Name Notation Description Types Status
RADARSAT c_0396679a Radarsat, a Canadian-led international program and a major pa... Platform , Concept experimental
SENTINEL-1 c_03c5662b Concept , Platform experimental
BAS Twin Otter VP-FAZ c_03e3e058 Platform , Concept experimental
DLR HALO c_0436428b Platform , Concept experimental
SPOT-5 c_09346349 Spot 5 is a French (CNES), Earth-imaging, three tonne satelli... Platform , Concept experimental
Geodetic station c_0956a4f9 Platform , Concept experimental
Pibal c_09992523 A small balloon whose ascent is followed by a theodolite in o... Platform , Concept experimental
LANDSAT-8 c_0cc004ef Landsat 8 (formerly called the Landsat Data Continuity Missio... Platform , Concept experimental
SPOT c_0e947a65 Platform , Concept experimental
Green-house gas Observing Satellite - 2 c_0f20cc6b GOSAT-2 is a follow-on Japanese mission of GOSAT/Ibuki. The e... Platform , Concept experimental
Ultralight c_11c4c75c Platform , Concept experimental
Earth Observation Satellites c_11cfcc8e Earth observation satellites are satellites specifically desi... Platform , Concept experimental
SPOT-6 c_12162346 TECHNICAL FEATURES With SPOT 6 and SPOT 7, Astrium not only s... Platform , Concept experimental
Models c_156873b3 Platform , Concept experimental
Weather Stations c_167e502b Weather Stations are facilities or locations where meteorolog... Platform , Concept experimental
Ocean stations c_172cedf2 Platform , Concept experimental
SPOT-1 c_17da39d1 The SPOT-1 (Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre) spacecr... Platform , Concept experimental
R/V L'Atalante c_1b47b64a Platform , Concept experimental
SENTINEL-2A c_1ccda463 The Sentinel-2 mission is a land monitoring constellation of ... Platform , Concept experimental
Galileo c_1d4a1a1c Galileo is the European Union's Global Satellite Navigation S... Platform , Concept experimental
Aura c_1ed0d13c NASA's Aura is a mission to understand and protect the air we... Platform , Concept experimental
Pleiades-1A c_1fba1a71 Pléiades 1A and Pléiades 1B operate as a constellation in the... Platform , Concept experimental
JASON-2 c_260e297a The Ocean Surface Topography Mission (OSTM)/Jason-2 was a fol... Platform , Concept experimental
SENTINEL-2 c_2bc97847 The Sentinel-2 mission is a land monitoring constellation of ... Concept , Platform experimental
In Situ Ocean-based c_2d8874f4 Fixed and mobile ocean-based platforms. Platform , Concept experimental
SAFIRE-PIPER c_2f3f8060 The Piper PA-23, named Apache and later Aztec, was an America... Platform , Concept experimental
International Geomagnetic Reference Field Model (IGRF) c_2fe8f6ce Standard and international mathematical description of the Ea... Platform , Concept experimental
NASA Earth System Science Pathfinder c_2ff306d4 Concept experimental
METEOSAT c_309b61d5 Meteosat First Generation refers to a series of geostationary... Platform , Concept experimental
ADEOS-II c_31b4c9f6 ADEOS (ADvanced Earth Observation Satellite), developed by th... Platform , Concept experimental
SPOT-7 c_34f86ecc TECHNICAL FEATURES With SPOT 6 and SPOT 7, Astrium not only s... Platform , Concept experimental
RAPIDEYE c_39721d7a RapidEye is a commercial multispectral remote sensing satelli... Platform , Concept experimental
JASON-3 c_3b9d9b5d Jason-3 is the fourth mission in U.S.-European series of sate... Platform , Concept experimental
SAFIRE-F20 c_4151a7a9 Platform , Concept experimental
ADEOS (Advanced Earth Observing Satellite) c_425ca642 Platform , Concept experimental
Large-eddy simulations c_4460822b Platform , Concept experimental
MT1 c_4782ee46 Platform , Concept experimental
SENTINEL-1B c_487e5bfb The SENTINEL-1 mission is the European Radar Observatory for ... Platform , Concept experimental
Pleiades-1B c_49f08052 Pléiades 1A and Pléiades 1B operate as a constellation in the... Platform , Concept experimental
DALES c_4a689141 Platform , Concept experimental
SENTINEL-5 c_4ca64ea6 Platform , Concept experimental
Balloons c_50576757 A nonporous bag of light material that can be inflated especi... Concept , Platform experimental
Meteorological Stations c_51056e16 Stations that observe and monitor variabes such as temperatur... Platform , Concept experimental
Aqua c_52125fb3 Aqua is a major international Earth Science satellite mission... Platform , Concept experimental
R/V Maria S. Merian c_52b4c2e0 Platform , Concept experimental
Climate models c_57504c08 Platform , Concept experimental
COSMO-SKYMED c_5990125f COSMO-SkyMed (Constellation of Small Satellites for Mediterra... Platform , Concept experimental
Plane c_5e5476b5 Platform , Concept experimental
VENuS c_6111d91a Le microsatellite Venus est le résultat de la coopération ent... Platform , Concept experimental
Sky Arrow c_613fcb36 Platform , Concept experimental
PLEIADES c_622b28a4 Pleiades is the optical component of the ORFEO system develop... Concept , Platform experimental
Drop wind sondes c_62b671ff Drop wind sondes are weather instruments that collect atmosph... Platform , Concept experimental
Buoys c_63600fe1 Platform , Concept experimental
HUREL-DUBOIS c_6de93d32 Platform , Concept experimental
TerraSAR-X c_7022db55 TerraSAR-X was successfully launched on June 15th, 2007, from... Concept , Platform experimental
Air monitoring Stations c_74c268e8 Platform , Concept experimental
OCO-3 c_7549a3f6 Orbiting Carbon Observatory-3 (OCO-3) will be flying on the I... Platform , Concept experimental
SENTINEL-1A c_75f88c7d The SENTINEL-1 mission is the European Radar Observatory for ... Platform , Concept experimental
NCAR c_7d386cf9 Platform , Concept experimental
SPOT-2 c_7e921319 The SPOT-2 (Systeme Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre) spa... Platform , Concept experimental
MYSTERE c_7eaeedf9 Platform , Concept experimental
Ground Stations c_7f98ed5c A precise point along the ground or surface where measurement... Platform , Concept experimental
Terra c_81944e5d Terra is the flagship satellite of NASA's Earth observing sys... Platform , Concept experimental
AROME c_83551a62 Platform , Concept experimental
NOAA Lockheed WP-3D Orion c_86dbdfca Two of the world's premier research aircraft, the renowned NO... Platform , Concept experimental
ADEOS-I c_88081643 ADEOS (ADvanced Earth Observation Satellite), developed by th... Platform , Concept experimental
SENTINEL-3B c_8d0052f8 Mission Details Launch Date: Sentinel-3A - 16 February 2016 S... Platform , Concept experimental
Himawari c_919d21b8 The Japanese Geostationary Meteorological Satellite (GMS) ser... Platform , Concept experimental
CloudSat c_9a03c071 CloudSat uses advanced radar to "slice" through clouds to see... Platform , Concept experimental
Mobile stations c_9a19b276 Platform , Concept experimental
METEO-MERLIN c_a6b92731 Platform , Concept experimental
SAFIRE-ATR42 c_aa8ad69a Platform , Concept experimental
Seismological station c_ac433711 Seismological stations: Stations that measure seismic activit... Platform , Concept experimental
FY (Feng-Yun) c_ad61770c Platform , Concept experimental
SENTINEL-3 c_af4e2ce2 The Sentinel-3 (S3) mission of ESA and the EC is one of the e... Platform , Concept experimental
OCO-2 c_b21364fc OCO-2 is designed to provide space-based global measurements ... Platform , Concept experimental
Green-house gas Observing Satellite c_b4bc0a5f GOSAT (Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite) is a JAXA (Japan... Platform , Concept experimental
SENTINEL-2B c_b9eb5b62 The Sentinel-2 mission is a land monitoring constellation of ... Platform , Concept experimental
Earth Observation Airbornes c_ba1f8e63 Platform , Concept experimental
SPOT-3 c_bff14954 The SPOT-3 (Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre) spacecr... Platform , Concept experimental
ALOS-2 c_c2bb395e The Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2) is follow-on... Platform , Concept experimental
Accelerometric station c_c9801003 Platform , Concept experimental
R/V Meteor c_ca737657 Platform , Concept experimental
CALIPSO c_cbbd4c69 The CALIPSO satellite was developed to help scientists answer... Platform , Concept experimental
SENTINEL-3A c_cd3d2457 Mission Details Launch Date: Sentinel-3A - 16 February 2016 S... Platform , Concept experimental
Operational models c_cdda1aa9 Platform , Concept experimental
ARAT-F27 c_ce92e761 Platform , Concept experimental
World Digital Magnetic anomaly Map (WDMAM) c_cebeb16f The World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map is an international sc... Platform , Concept experimental
GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) c_d04bcbe1 GOES satellites provide the kind of continuous monitoring nec... Platform , Concept experimental
Radio sondes c_d391d0d7 The radio sonde is a balloon-borne instrument platform with r... Platform , Concept experimental
GCOM-W1 c_d4e8c77e The GCOM-W mission aims to establish the global and long-term... Platform , Concept experimental
Numerical weather prediction c_d77b16b0 Platform , Concept experimental
PARASOL c_dc2821da Polarization and Anisotropy of Reflectances for Atmospheric S... Platform , Concept experimental
Gravimetric station c_dcf21994 Gravity stations make observations related to the Earth's gra... Platform , Concept experimental
Ships c_e1f79554 A vessel of considerable size for sailing and deep-water navi... Concept , Platform experimental
METOP c_e658c457 The Meteorological Operational satellite programme (MetOp) is... Platform , Concept experimental
Navigation systems c_e9849682 Platforms such as GPS, NAVSTAR, and GLONASS whose purpose is ... Concept , Platform experimental
GEOS-Chem c_ea56b49a Global 3-D chemical transport model (CTM) for atmospheric com... Platform , Concept experimental
GPS c_ec1753b9 The Global Positioning System (GPS) Satellite is a system of ... Platform , Concept experimental
R/V Ronald H. Brown c_ee1005c0 Platform , Concept experimental
In Situ Land-based c_f1083e64 Fixed and mobile land-based platforms. Platform , Concept experimental
Sentinel-5P c_f32497cd A precursor satellite mission, Sentinel-5P aims to fill in th... Platform , Concept experimental
ENVISAT c_f3c8d7f0 ENVISAT was successfully launched on March 1, 2002 from Kouro... Concept , Platform experimental
Aircraft c_f7298470 An AIRCRAFT is a machine or device, such as an airplane, heli... Platform , Concept experimental
UAV / RPAS c_f7b25e1f Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are remotely piloted or self-... Platform , Concept experimental
SPOT-4 c_fab80b86 SPOT (Satellite Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre) is the ... Platform , Concept experimental
ALOS c_fd9fd079 ALOS is a Japanese Earth-Observation satellite, developed by ... Platform , Concept experimental
Fixed Observation Stations c_feae3a9e A fixed, somewhat permanent point from which measurements or... Platform , Concept experimental