
Registre : Earth science platforms

URI: https://terra-vocabulary.org/ncl/FAIR-Incubator/earthscienceplatforms

The current thesaurus contains concepts related to data acquisition platforms for Earth science.

Métadonnées principales

est un Container | concept scheme | Register
licence https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
modifié le 9 Jul 2024 13:27:25.076
soumis parViqui Agazzi
accepté le 19 Sep 2022 08:13:25.652

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Toutes les propriétés du registre

definition The current thesaurus contains concepts related to data acquisition platforms for Earth science.
has top concept In Situ Ocean-based | Earth Observation Airbornes | Earth Observation Satellites | Models | In Situ Land-based | Navigation systems
hierarchy child property narrower
hierarchy root property top concept of
inverse membership predicate in scheme
is member of relation in scheme
label Earth science platforms
license https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
member ENVISAT | R/V L'Atalante | GCOM-W1 | COSMO-SKYMED | ADEOS-I | GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) | AROME | R/V Meteor | HUREL-DUBOIS | SPOT-1 | OCO-2 | METEOSAT | World Digital Magnetic anomaly Map (WDMAM) | CALIPSO | JASON-3 | Ground Stations | NCAR | VENuS | Ships | METEO-MERLIN | SPOT-6 | UAV / RPAS | SPOT-2 | PLEIADES | Aura | Himawari | In Situ Land-based | SPOT-3 | Green-house gas Observing Satellite - 2 | Terra | SENTINEL-2A | Pleiades-1A | GPS | Aircraft | SENTINEL-1A | CloudSat | Navigation systems | Numerical weather prediction | OCO-3 | Sentinel-5P | Mobile stations | SPOT | METOP | SENTINEL-1B | ALOS-2 | SAFIRE-F20 | ARAT-F27 | SAFIRE-ATR42 | Geodetic station | SPOT-4 | Operational models | LANDSAT-8 | Green-house gas Observing Satellite | Weather Stations | Earth Observation Satellites | SENTINEL-2 | GEOS-Chem | Meteorological Stations | Sky Arrow | SENTINEL-5 | Radio sondes | SAFIRE-PIPER | SENTINEL-3B | RAPIDEYE | ADEOS-II | Galileo | SENTINEL-3A | Large-eddy simulations | Pleiades-1B | Fixed Observation Stations | Pibal | ALOS | Aqua | ADEOS (Advanced Earth Observing Satellite) | NOAA Lockheed WP-3D Orion | SPOT-5 | International Geomagnetic Reference Field Model (IGRF) | Earth Observation Airbornes | Plane | SENTINEL-1 | Balloons | Air monitoring Stations | R/V Ronald H. Brown | R/V Maria S. Merian | In Situ Ocean-based | Seismological station | Ocean stations | NASA Earth System Science Pathfinder | RADARSAT | FY (Feng-Yun) | Buoys | SENTINEL-3 | BAS Twin Otter VP-FAZ | MT1 | SENTINEL-2B | JASON-2 | Accelerometric station | Models | TerraSAR-X | Ultralight | DLR HALO | ...
modified 9 Jul 2024 13:27:25.076
notation earthscienceplatforms
pref label Earth science platforms
title Data Terra Earth science platform thesaurus.
type Container | concept scheme | Register
version info 3
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Contenu (vue hiérarchique)

Models experimental
Navigation systems Platforms such as GPS, NAVSTAR, and GLONASS whose purpose is ... experimental
Earth Observation Satellites Earth observation satellites are satellites specifically desi... experimental
In Situ Land-based Fixed and mobile land-based platforms. experimental
Earth Observation Airbornes experimental
In Situ Ocean-based Fixed and mobile ocean-based platforms. experimental